Hearing conservation program: focus on proper use of personal protective equipment.


  • Adriano A. Ribeiro
  • Danniele F. Angelo
  • Livia M. Soares




Individual Auditive Equipment, Auditive Conservation Program, Auditive Loss by Noise, Occupational Noise


INTRODUCTION: The aim of this research was to verify the companies guide the employees about the correct use and the correct handle of the auditive protectors in workers exposed to the occupational noise (83 a 102 dB). METHODS: To this study 38 peopple had been part, from 20 to 52 years old, 30 male and 8 female, from a Plastic Factory. The people were submitted to avaliation
through a questionnaire applied at the proper environment of work, with the use of auricular protector of insertion and shelf, once they were exposed to level of noise pressure above the level of action. (80 dB) RESULTS: It could be observed that the factory does the correct availability related to comfort, use handle, orientation and evaluation of the measures adopted on the EPI,
guaranteeing itself the conditions of protection originally stablished by the manufacturers. Although the orientations related to hygirn and maintenance is not satisfatory. DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS: The professional should advise you individually on the proper use, maintenance and even about the time that the change of guard. Moreover, these guidelines and training should be
developed with groups of workers, through lectures, brochures, videos or meetings (14). CONCLUSION: With this research, it could be concluded that the evaluated workers are sure about the importance of auricular protectors but they still must be more well oriented about the exchanges and hygien of EPI. It was also concluded that the job have to be done by a multidisciplinar team and it depends on the colaboration of each worker, for more effectivity of the Auditive Conservation Program (ACP).


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, A. A., Angelo, D. F., & Soares, L. M. (2022). Hearing conservation program: focus on proper use of personal protective equipment. REVISTA CIENTÍFICA SIGNOS FÓNICOS, 1(3). https://doi.org/10.24054/rcsf.v1i3.2087


