About the Journal


The Scientific Journal Signos Fónicos, is a publication committed to the dissemination, construction, co-construction and recovery of knowledge and knowledge in the field of human communication, in this sense its central objective is:

Promote the culture of open knowledge from the publication as public domain of the advances and research results, systematization of experiences, systematic reviews, and technological developments of the Human Communication Research Group, the Department of Phonoaudiology of the University of Pamplona, its networks and collaborators.

As a result of this configuration, Signos Fónicos promotes the dissemination of knowledge free of charge to readers or authors.

The journal receives works of Speech Therapy, Social Communication, Education, Nursing, Psychology, Public Health, Occupational Therapy, Behavioral Therapy, Social Work, and related areas, as long as the central object of knowledge explicit in the work is human communication. In this sense, works are published; without political-epistemic objection of content; from the following approaches:

Biomedical approach, on the particulars of: language, language-learning, language throughout the life cycle, orofacial motor skills, speech, voice, dysphagia, hearing, epidemiological studies, behavioral therapy.

Public Health, around the strategies, policies, processes and results of communicative health as a public phenomenon under the guardianship of the state and citizens; especially: systematizations of experience, health communication, communication and development, social mobilization, disease prevention, health promotion, Social Determinants in Health Approach, Community Based Rehabilitation, social epidemiology.


The REVISTA SIGNOS FÓNICOS, is a biannual publication, therefore, it will make available to its readers complete issues with no less than 7 texts each time.


The REVISTA SIGNOS FÓNICOS (Rev. RCSF), is published every six months in order to record the scientific literature on topics relevant to the field of study of human communication. It accepts for consideration original full papers -exclusively-, preferably in English, but texts in Portuguese or Spanish can also be submitted; that have not been previously published, nor are in the process of analysis by another journal.

If the texts are approved for publication, both in foreign language - English-Portuguese - and for the Spanish version, they must certify their translation; English-Spanish, Spanish-English, Portuguese-English, Portuguese-English; and, proofreading by a qualified professional.

The submission may be made in Spanish, but if the article is approved, the submission of the English version is binding.

The texts accepted by the journal are:

Original Articles

Systematic Reviews,

Reflection articles and,

Case reports, including systematizations of experiences.

The selection of articles for publication is made after evaluating the originality, the relevance of the topic and the quality of the scientific methodology, as well as compliance with the standards adopted by the journal's editorial. Papers that do not meet the technical requirements, or that do not comply with the standards for publication, will not be accepted for review, with prior notification to the authors without prejudice to a new participation of the manuscript, after the pertinent corrections.

After the initial technical evaluation by the Internal Peers and approval by the Editorial Committee, all papers will be submitted for review and evaluation by at least two External Peers (peer review) of recognized competence in the field, whose anonymity is guaranteed during the evaluation process. When the submitted papers have developed their findings from statistical or epidemiological methodologies, a third evaluator will be incorporated; also anonymous; who will judge the reliability of the design used.

The observations to the manuscript will be compiled and sent to the authors in order to make the suggested or indicated modifications, in case of being selected for publication. After the corrections suggested by the reviewers, the final form of the text, together with the point-by-point response letters to the reviewers, should be sent by e-mail as a Word attachment to revistasignosfonicos@unipamplona.edu.co.

Only after final approval by the reviewers and editors, after sending the final version and the response letter to the peer reviewers, will the authors be notified of acceptance for publication. Unsuccessful manuscripts will be notified of their objection and will not be returned.

The Editorial Committee of SIGNOS FONICOS reserves the right to modify the final text if necessary, with the objective of standardizing the technical terms and presentation of the manuscript. Only the journal SIGNOS FONICOS may authorize the reproduction of articles published in it in other journals. In these cases, authors must request written authorization from the Editorial Committee.

Manuscript Submission for Review

Papers should be sent to the REVISTA SIGNOS FÓNICOS, through the portal: http://www.xxx.com ; Contact:

revistasignosfonicos@unipamplona.edu.co , in an attached file in .doc, .odt, or, .rtf format.

Confirmations of receipt, contacts and any other correspondence should be sent to the journal via e-mail.

Types of Papers

Original research article: works intended for the dissemination of unpublished results of scientific, quantitative or qualitative research; of the complete work type. Its formal structure should present the following topics: Introduction, Methods, Results, Analysis and Discussion, Conclusions and References.

Manuscripts should have a maximum of 40 references, with 80% of articles published in national and international journals during the last 5 years. It is recommended: the use of subtitles, the identification of the audience or final users of the text; during the introduction; and, the reference to the clinical implications and limitations of the study, in the analysis and discussion segment.

It is recommended, when the type of study requires it, to detail in the "Methods" section the information pertinent to the approval of the Ethics Committee, case number, study design, setting or place where the study was carried out, participants, clinical outcomes and interventions of interest.

The abstract should be structured with a maximum of 250 words and contain the following sections: Purpose, Methods, Results, and Conclusions.

Systematic review article: systematic reviews are an exercise of reflection on the current state of an object of knowledge, its main purpose is the analysis of evidence and recommendations on interventions, research methodologies, or diagnostic tests around a health condition, in this sense, are a fundamental tool in the construction of protocols for decision-making in health, both collectively and individually. The REVISTA SIGNOS FONICOS, recommends to the authors the use of the most used methodology to advance systematic review protocols; namely: The Cochrane Collaboration, www.cochrane.org

The formal structure of a systematic review should present the following topics: Introduction (Introduction), within which the questions guiding the review are defined, including its objective and the context of the review; Methods (Methods), how the search for data and evidence was performed, criteria for the inclusion of studies; Results, which indicate the data obtained from the selected methods, such as, for example, bibliometric indicators (total number of texts reviewed, final number of texts selected, most common methodologies in the reviewed studies), evaluation of bias, and the number of articles excluded due to the methodologies used to obtain the findings; for more information, consult the handbook: handbook. cochrane. org; Analysis and Discussion, it gathers from the objectives of the review the state of the evidence on the health situation reviewed, there are several strategies to present the data, for example, through the historical line defined for the review, or, through the content analysis, that is, tracking the basic categories of the review; Conclusion, it should give clear answers to each and every one of the questions raised in the review protocol; and, References, maximum of 40 references of articles published in national and international literature journals.

The abstract should not exceed 250 words and should be structured as follows: Purpose, Methods, Results, Conclusions, and References.

Reflection paper A paper that presents the results of completed research from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources. It must include:

The formal structure of a systematic review article should present the following topics: Introduction, in which the questions guiding the reflection are defined, including its objective and context; Methods, describing the research methodology used to develop the reflection paper; Results, indicating the data obtained from the selected methods, such as bibliometric indicators (total number of reviewed texts, final number of selected texts, most recounted methodologies in the reviewed studies, etc.). Results, indicate the data obtained from the selected methods, such as, for example, bibliometric indicators (total number of texts reviewed, final number of texts selected, most common methodologies in the reviewed studies), evaluation of bias, and the number of articles excluded due to the methodologies used to obtain the findings; Analysis and Discussion, it gathers from the objectives of the review the state of the evidence on the health situation reviewed, there are several strategies to present the data, for example, through the historical line defined for the review, or, through the content analysis, that is, tracking the basic categories of the review; Conclusion, it should give clear answer to each and every one of the questions raised in the review protocol; and, References, maximum of 40 references of articles published in national and international literature journals.

The abstract should not exceed 250 words and should be structured as follows: Purpose, Methods, Results, Conclusions, and References.

- The heading of the article should present: title of the article, author(s) name(s) and surname(s), name of the institution, research group and project(s) to which the article belongs, e-mail address, contact telephone number, link with the institution.

- The abstract of the article should be elaborated with a maximum of 180 words.

- It should synthetically present the introduction, objectives, methodology and main results of the research. Do not include the title of the article.

- Include up to five key words according to the UNESCO thesaurus (http://databases.unesco.org/thessp/).

Case report: reports on rare or uncommon cases, particularly interesting or incorporating new knowledge, treatment techniques or reflections on case management. They must be original and unpublished.

The case reports can be made by open call of the Journal, in order to stimulate the dissemination of the current state of health care practices, when this situation arises, the cases should not necessarily be rare, however, the Editorial Committee will establish a set of inclusion criteria to advance the reports in similar conditions.

Its formal structure should present: Introduction (Introduction), succinct and supported in the literature to justify the introduction of the clinical case Case, Presentation or Case Report, description of the history of the health situation, Methods (Methods), gives an account of the procedures and treatments performed; Results (Results), clearly showing the evolution obtained; Analysis and Discussion (Discussion), justification of the findings from the available evidence; Conclusion (Conclusions), and References (References). Maximum of 40 references with articles published in national and international literature journals, preferably within the last 5 years.

The abstract should be structured with a maximum of 250 words and contain the following sections: Purpose, Methods, Results, Conclusions, and References.

Within the Case Report, another type of article called: Systematization of Experiences is recognized: the REVISTA SIGNOS FÓNICOS interprets this strategy of production and knowledge from a dialectical perspective, that is, as the practice that returns to itself after the reflection and analysis of its users and actors. In this sense, it is an epistemic and political exercise, in which local knowledge is recovered, co-constructed or transformed into glocalizable theories.

Its purpose is the dissemination of lessons learned, best practices, methodological adaptations/transformations, or local theorization. Systematization is a strategy of gnosological negotiation with the dominant episteme, in this sense there is no single path to reach it, however it is recommended that authors review:

Virtual Library on Systematization of Experiences

Joan Briggs Institute Programs, the latter only for health experiences aimed at the evaluation of evidence.

Its formal structure should present the following topics: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions and References. The abstract should be structured with a maximum of 250 words and contain the following sections: Purpose, Methods, Results, Conclusions, and References.

The editorial guidelines are based on the format proposed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors and published under the title: Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, Version 2013, available at: http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/.

The journal SIGNOS FONICOS supports the policies for the registration of clinical trials promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), and therefore recognizes the importance of registration and international dissemination of information on clinical studies through open access. In this sense, it interprets a clinical trial as any study that prospectively assigns human intervention or comparison groups to evaluate the cause-and-effect relationship between a medical intervention and a health outcome. Clinical trials must be registered in one of the following registries:

Australian Clinical Trials Registry http://actr.org.au

Clinical Trials http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/

ISRCTN Registre http://isrctn.org

Nederlands Trials Register http://www.umin.ac.jp/ctr

Authors may refer relevant to their specific research design guidelines. For reporting of randomized controlled trials, authors may refer to the CONSORT recommendations http://www.consort-statement.org/

Technical Requirements

a) File format: should be submitted in .doc, .odt, or, .rtf format, A4 (212 x 297mm) single-spaced typed page, Arial font, size 12, with 2.5 cm top, bottom, right and left margins, pages numbered in Arabic numerals in the sequence :


Key Words
Key words,
Text or Body of the manuscript

b) Tables or figures with their captions.
c) Manuscripts should be single-spaced (counted, even before the introduction of references), maximum of 10 tables (or figures). Graphs, photographs and illustrations are characterized as figures.
d) Questionnaires may come as an Annex and must necessarily be in a tabular format.
e) Permission to reproduce the photographic material of the patient or taken from another author, if applicable; attaching a copy of the "Informed Consent", indicating the approval for the use of the images in scientific journals.
f) Approval of the Research Ethics Committee (CEP), when referring to human research. It is mandatory to indicate the approval number of the protocol by the Ethics Committee of the institution where the research was performed, as well as the information regarding the signature of the "Declaration of Consent" for all those involved or their guardians (Resolution 8430 of 1993).
g) Terms of Responsibility signed by all authors affirming the originality of the work, as well as the responsibility for the content, and that the product was never published or presented elsewhere, reserving the exclusive right to authorize the journal SIGNOS FONICOS to adapt the text to the journal's format, as long as its content is preserved. The lack of signature will be interpreted as disinterest or disapproval of the publication, determining the editorial occlusion of the name of the person who has not signed, from the list of authors. All persons designated as authors must meet the authorship requirements set forth by the ICMJE; namely:
Have made substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or in the acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of the data; AND.
Have written or participated with important intellectual contributions during the critical revision of the paper version; AND
Approve the final version for publication; AND
Be able to respond appropriately to all questions and queries arising from the work.
h) The editors may ask for explanations when the total number of authors exceeds eight. It is not allowed to add a new author after receipt of the first version of the manuscript for review.


I/We, (Name(s) of the author(s) with Identification Number and Professional Card Number), are responsible for the content and authenticity of the work entitled ______________________ and declare that the article has not been published, nor has it been submitted for review by another journal, and that REVISTA SIGNOS FÓNICOS has the exclusive right to market, edit and publish it in print and online. We authorize the editors to make adjustments to the manuscript, as long as its content is preserved.

Date, signature of all authors

Signature of Conflict of Interest

All manuscripts submitted to the journal SIGNOS FONICOS, must include the Conflict of Interest form proposed by the ICMJE, available at: http://www.icmje.org/downloads/coi_disclosure.pdf

Preparation of the Manuscript

Identification Page: should contain:
title of the manuscript in Spanish (or Portuguese) and English, which should be concise but informative;
Abstract title, should be up to 40 characters long, including spaces, in Spanish, or, Portuguese, and, English;
Full name of the authors recognized within the manuscript, as well as profession, position, academic or institutional affiliation and highest academic degree, acronym of the institution, city, state and country;
Name, complete address, fax and e-mail of the author responsible for correspondence;
Indicate the area: language language-learning, language throughout the life cycle, orofacial motor, speech, voice, dysphagia, hearing, epidemiological studies, behavioral therapy, health communication, communication and development, social mobilization, disease prevention, health promotion, Social Determinants in Health Approach, Community Based Rehabilitation, social epidemiology, communicative diversities, social inclusion, languages and technologies;
Identify the type of article: original research article, systematic review article, systematization of experiences, case reports;
Cite sources of research grants, or state funding,

In summary:

Manuscript title: Spanish or Portuguese and in English.

Abbreviated title: 40 characters in Spanish, or, Portuguese, e, English

Authors: Primary Author (1), First Co-Author (2) ...

(1) profession, position, academic affiliation, Institutional Acronym, City, Department, Country; highest academic degree

(2) profession, position, academic affiliation or, Institutional Acronym, City, Department, Country; highest academic degree

Name, address, telephone, fax and e-mail of the author responsible for correspondence.


Type of manuscript:

Source of Support or Sponsor:

Abstract and Keywords: the second page should contain the abstract, in Spanish (or Portuguese) and English, with a maximum of 250 words should be structured according to the type of work described above, in Spanish, or Portuguese, and in English. The abstract aims to provide a clear view of the main parts of the paper, highlighting the most significant data, new aspects of the content and conclusions of the paper. Symbols, formulas, equations and abbreviations should not be used.

Below the summary / abstract, specify the descriptors / keywords that define the subject of the work: at least three and a maximum of six. The descriptors should be based on DeCS (Descriptors in Health Sciences) published by Bireme, which is a translation of MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) of the National Library of Medicine and available on the website: http://www.bireme.br, click on: DeCS-terminology in health; or, access directly at: http://decs.bvs.br. Descriptors should be used as long as they are accurate to the contextual use within the manuscript.

In the case of clinical trials, the registration number in the clinical trials database (http://clinicaltrials.gov) should be indicated at the bottom of the abstract.

Text: should follow the structure required for each type of work. Abbreviations should be avoided. When the use of acronyms is necessary, it should be preceded by that term in its entirety in its first appearance in the text. Works referenced should adhere to the Vancouver Style, i.e., Arabic numerical order of sequential entry, avoiding indicating the name of the authors. It is recommended to use the Vancouver citation style indexed by bibword available at: https://bibword.codeplex.com/releases/view/19772.

Introduction should contain data that orient the reader in the subject in a clear and concise manner, the objective, premises, assumptions, or guiding questions should be clearly indicated in the last paragraph of the Introduction.

The method should be fully described. In addition, the first paragraph should begin by indicating the record of approval of the project by the Research Ethics Committee, with its protocol number. This segment should include, without detriment to the type of text:

Sampling inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Data collection procedures, which should be clearly established in order to enable replication or to work on the deep understanding of what was done and how.
Protocols of analysis or data collection pertinent to the method should be incorporated within this segment and not at the end as an annex file, and the theoretical substrate on which the research was based (adapted protocol, authors used, total or partial use of the protocol, etc.) should also be presented.

Inclusion and exclusion criteria for sampling.
Data collection procedures should be clearly stated in order to enable replication or work towards a deeper understanding of what was done and how.
Protocols of analysis or data collection pertinent to the method should be incorporated within this segment and not at the end as an annex file, and the theoretical substrate on which the research was based should be presented (adapted protocol, authors used, total or partial use of the protocol, etc.).
The last paragraph should indicate the type of statistical analysis used, the description of the tests and the value considered significant. In case it has not been used for hypothesis testing, specify how the results will be presented.
The results can be shown in a descriptive form, for tables and figures (graphs, tables, photographs and illustrations are called figures) depending on which are more convenient. It is requested that the data presented are not repeated in the graphs and in the text.
Footnotes: there should be footnotes. If the information is important for the understanding or reproduction of the study, it should be included in the article.
Acknowledgements: include contributions from people who deserve recognition, but do not meet the requirements for inclusion as authors; thanks for financial support, technical assistance, among others.
References: should be based on a format called "Vancouver Style", the titles of the journals should be abbreviated according to the style presented by the List of Journal Indexed in Index Medicus, of the National Library of Medicine, available at the following web address: http://nlmpubs.nlm.nih.gov/online/journals/ljiweb.pdf.

References are numbered consecutively in the same order in which they are cited in the text with Arabic numerals. If they are sequential, they should be separated by a hyphen. If they are random, they should be separated by commas.

Authors are referred to by their surnames, the second of which is documented with the initial capital letter and period, followed by the abbreviated names and no period.

For all references, all authors up to six should be cited. Above six, list the first six followed by the expression et al.

Personal communications, unpublished work or work in progress, may be cited when absolutely necessary, but should not be included in the list of references; they should only be mentioned in the text.

Journal Articles

Author(s) of the article. Title of the article. Abbreviated title of the journal. Date, year of publication; volume (number):. first-last page of the article.

Example: Shriberg LD, Flipsen PJ, Thielke H, J Kwiatkowski, Kertoy MK, ML Katcher et al. Risk of speech disorder associated with early recurrent otitis media with effusions: two retrospective studies. J Speech Lang Hear Res 2000; 43 (1): 79-99. Remark: When pages of articles consulted have overlapping numbers, delete overlapping numbers; e.g., p. 320-329; use 320-9.

Example: Halpern SD, Ubel PA, Caplan AL. Solid organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients. N Engl J Med 2002Jul;. 25 (4) :284-7 Absence of Authors Article title. Abbreviated journal title. Date of publication; volume (number): first page-end of article. Example: The fight against malnutrition in the third world. Lancet.1988, 1 (8581) :334-6.


Author(s) of the book. Title of the book. Edition. City of publication: Publisher; Year of publication. Ex:. Murray PR, Rosenthal KS, Kobayashi GS, Pfaller MA. Medical microbiology. 4th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2002.

Book Chapters

Author(s) of chapter. Title of chapter. "In": the name(s) of the author(s) or editor(s). Title of the book. Edition. City of publication: Publisher; Year of publication. Beginning-end of chapter.

Example: Meltzer PS, Kallioniemi A, Trent JM. Chromosomal alterations in human solid tumors. In: Vogelstein B, Kinzler KW, editors. The genetic basis of human cancer. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2002. P. . 93-113

Remarks: The identification of the city of publication, its department, state or province may also be added in parentheses. Ex: Berkeley (CA); in the case of a country, it can be added in its entirety. For example, Adelaide (Australia);

In the case of the first edition of the book, there is no need to identify it. The indication of the edition number should be made according to the abbreviation in English. For example, 4th ed.

Congress Proceedings

Author(s) of work. Profession. Title of the event; date of the event; place. City of publication: Publisher; Year of publication.

Example: Harnden P, Joffe JK, Jones WG, editors. V germ cell tumors. Proceedings of the Fifth Germ Cell Tumor Conference; 2001 September 13-15; Leeds, UK. New York: Springer; 2002.

Lectures presented at conferences

Author(s) of work. Title of the work presented. Responsible event editor(s) (if applicable): "En". Title of event: Proceedings of Proceedings or title of event; date of event; place. City of publication: Publisher; Year of publication. Beginning-end of the work.

Example: Christensen S, Oppacher F. An analysis of Koza's computational effort statistics for genetic programming. In: Foster JA, Lutton E, J Miller, Ryan C, Tettamanzi AG, editors. Genetic programming. EuroGP 2002: Proceedings of the fifth European Conference on Genetic Programming; 3-5 April 2002; Kinsdale, Ireland. Berlin: Springer; 2002. P. 182-91.

Dissertation, thesis and term paper.

Author. Title of work [type of document]. Institution City institution (state); Year advocacy work.

Example: Borkowski MM. Infant feeding and sleep: a telephone survey of Hispanic Americans [thesis]. Central Michigan University Mount Pleasant (MI); . 2002.

Example: TannouriI AJR, Silveira PG. Stroke prevention campaign: extracerebral carotid disease in the population of Florianópolis [completion work]. Florianópolis (SC): Federal University of Santa Catarina. Faculty of Medicine. Department of Internal Medicine; . 2005

Example: Cantarelli A. Tongue: what organ is this? [Monograph]. São Paulo (SP): CEFAC - Health and Education; 1998.

Unpublished material (in press)

Author(s) of the article. Title of the article. Abbreviated journal title . Indicate next and probable year of publication after acceptance.

Example: Tian D, Araki H, Stahl E, Bergelson J, Kreitman M. Signature of the balance of selection in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. In press 2002.

Audiovisual material

Author(s). Material Title [media type]. City of publication: Publisher; . years

Example: Marchesan IQ. Atypical or adapted swallowing [Videotape]. São Paulo (SP): Pro-Fono Publishing Department; 1995. [Video Course].

Electronic documents

ASHA:American Speech and Hearing Association. Otitis media, hearing and language development. [cited 2003 Aug 29]. Available from: http://asha.org/consumers/brochures/otitis_media.htm.2000

Journal Article in electronic format

Article Author(s). Title of the article. Abbreviated title of the journal [journal on the Internet]. Date of publication [Date of access with the term "access"]; volume (number): [Approximate number of pages]. Web site address with the words "Available at".

Example: Abood S. Quality improvement initiative in nursing homes: the ANA acts in an advisory role. Am J Nursing [journal on the Internet]. 2002 June [cited 2002 Aug 12]; 102 (6): [. About 3 p]. Available from: http://www.nursingworld.org/AJN/2002/june/Wawatch.htm

Monograph on the Internet

Author(s). Title [monograph on the Internet]. City of publication: Publisher; Date of publication [Date of access with the term "access"]. Web site address with the words "Available at".


Example: Foley KM, Gelband H, editors. Improving palliative care for cancer [monograph on the Internet]. Washington: National Academy Press; 2001 [cited 2002 July 09]. Available from: http://www.nap.edu/books/0309074029/html/


Author(s). Title [type of equipment]. City of publication: Producer; . Years

Example: Anderson SC, Poulsen KB. Anderson's electronic atlas of hematology [CD-ROM]. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2002.


Author(s) of the homepage (if any). Title homepage [web page on the Internet]. City: institution; date(s) of registration * [date of last update with the words "Last updated at"; Date of consultation with the term "access"]. Web site address with the words "Available at".

Example: Cancer-Pain.org [website on the Internet]. New York: Cancer Association Web Resources, Inc; c2000-01 [updated 2002 May 16; accessed 2002 July 09]. Available from: http://www.cancer-pain.org/

Databases on the Internet

Author(s) database (if any). Title [database on the Internet]. City: Institution. Date(s) of Record [date of the last update of the "update" (if any) of expression; Date of consultation with the term "access"]. Web site address with the words "Available at".

Example: Jablonski S. Multiple Congenital Lineage Anomaly/Mental Retardation (MCA/MR) Syndromes [database on the Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (USA). 1999 [updated 2001 November 20; accessed 2002 August 12]. Available at: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/jablonski/syndrome_title.html

Tables: each table should be presented on a separate page after the reference section. It should be self-explanatory, dispensing with consultations to the text or to the rest of the tables. They should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, in the order in which they are mentioned in the text. They must contain the title at the top, in capital letters, aligned with the left edge of the table, after the table number. At the bottom of each table, in alignment with the title, the statistical tests (name of the test and p value), and the source of the information (when it is not the author himself) must be stated in the legend. The layout should be simple in bold for the top line, bottom line and in the division of the heading with the content. External vertical lines should not be drawn, as these are indicative of tables and not tables.
Figures (graphs, photographs, illustrations): each figure should be presented on a separate page after the References. They should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals in the order in which they are cited in the text. Titles should be presented clearly, at the bottom of the figures, outside the frame. When statistical tests are used, the name of the test, the p value, and the source of the information (when not the author himself), from which they were obtained, should be described. Graphs should preferably be presented in the form of columns. In the case of photos, details should be indicated with arrows, letters, numbers and symbols, which should be sufficiently clear and large to support the size reduction. They must be submitted in JPG (Graphics Interchange Format) or TIF (Tagged Image File Format) format, with high resolution (minimum 300 dpi) so that they can be reproduced. Reproductions of already published illustrations must be accompanied by authorization from the publisher and the author. All illustrations must be in black and white.
Statistical analysis: The authors should demonstrate that the statistical procedures used were not only appropriate to test the hypotheses of the study, but also that they were correctly interpreted. Levels of statistical significance should be indicated (e.g., p <0.05, p <0.01, p <0.001).
Acronyms and abbreviations: they should be preceded by the full name when they are cited for the first time. In the legends of tables and figures they should be accompanied by their full name. When present in tables and figures, abbreviations and acronyms should be with their meanings in the respective legends or text entries. They should not be used in the title or abstract.
Units: values of physical quantities should be given in the International System of Units.


____________, The _____ of _____________ 201__.

(City, day, month, year)


I, _________________________ (full name), ___________ (profession), holder of Identity Card _________ no. _______________, declare for the due


purposes that the article entitled __________________________________, to be published in the PHOENIC SIGNS MAGAZINE, was examined by me. Therefore, I can certify the quality of the handwriting of the manuscript.



Submission of manuscripts

All documents should be sent to PHOENIC SIGNS MAGAZINE, electronically: http://www.XXXX.XXX; Contact: revistasignosfonicos@unipamplona.edu.co in .doc, .odt, or .rtf file.

Acknowledgements of receipt, contacts and any other correspondence should be sent to the Journal by e-mail.



By submitting and publishing a paper in the Revista Cientifica Signos Fónicos, the author(s) assign(s) his/her/their editing, publication, distribution and sale rights over his/her/their work to the University of Pamplona, which will be the exclusive owner of the copyrights. For their work to be published in the Revista Científica Signos Fónicos within a maximum period of two years, under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International License.


Authors are recommended and encouraged to publish and disseminate their manuscript in pre-print version with the DOI granted by this Journal, in servers, repositories, scientific social networks, thus contributing to the strengthening of dissemination, discussion and scientific exchange.

The author expressly releases the Revista Científica Signos Fónicos from any responsibility for any legal, regulatory and contractual infringement that he/she may commit or may have committed in relation to the work, having the obligation to repair any damage as a consequence of the infringement of the aforementioned rights.

The generation of derivative works is allowed as long as no commercial use is made. Neither the author's nor the editor's authorization shall be required to copy, use, disseminate, transmit and publicly exhibit the contents of an article, provided that the authorship and the original source of publication (journal, DOI and URL of the work) are cited and the existence and specifications of this license of use are mentioned.