Sociocultural factors that influence the failure to take cytology in women from the rural and urban areas of the municipality of San Gil




cervical cancer, cytology, risk factors, health services


Introduction: In Colombia, cervical cancer is one of the pathologies with the highest incidence and mortality. Objective: To determine the factors that influence the non-taking of cytology in the rural and urban areas of the municipality of San Gil. Methodology: It is a quantitative study with an analytical, descriptive and cross-sectional design, with a sample of 175 women from the municipality of San Gil, the national demographic and health survey (ENDS-2010) of Profamilia was applied, it is a risk-free research, where variables such as over 18 years old, residents of rural and urban areas, who have not had a cytology and who signed the informed consent were chosen. Results: it was found that the factors that influence the non-taking of cytology are psychological factors such as fear (10.9%) and educational factor referring to not having an active sexual life (5.1%) and because of their age they believed it was not necessary and because they were never explained that it was important (3.4%). Finding 56.6% of women who had a cytology and 43.4% who had never had one. Conclusions: Various predisposing factors were determined for not taking a cytology, such as psychological and educational factors. In relation to these factors, women in rural areas have less health care, in which a lack of knowledge can be seen, and women in urban areas have more health care, most comply with the 1-1-3 scheme that is duly established in the health system.


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How to Cite

García Chaparro, L. J., Salas Chaparro, D., Patiño Figueredo, G. D., & Olarte Rueda, G. (2024). Sociocultural factors that influence the failure to take cytology in women from the rural and urban areas of the municipality of San Gil. Basic Health Sciencies Journal, 2(4), 13–28.



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