Reading-writing process in education by cycles Comfanorte school, municipality of los Patios




Education by cycles, Didactic, Reading-writing process


The teaching work in the COMFANORTE school at the level of education by cycles, has an added value for the community and population of the Region that has not been able to complete their studies in the regular period and time as designated by the Ministry of Education. National. The work that is carried out through the pedagogical practice and the Participatory Action Research process (IAP), is carried out through a main objective to identify the level of language and writing of the students of cycle I, II and III (corresponding to grades 1, 5 of primary school and 6 of middle or secondary school), and design material and instruments adjusted to the learning level of each of the students in the cycles. In order to design the work plan and the strategies to be developed on the reading-writing process, the research proposes to analyze the abilities that each student has for the construction of meanings and the use of grammatical categories, making the process more flexible through didactic strategies and articulating the activities to the interaction and teamwork, to strengthen each learning within the space and time available per week. The design of activities articulated to the didactics allows the development of oral and written language from the identification of the difficulties that are observed with the participation between the students and the teacher.


The results of the research generate the construction of the pedagogical strategies used for the teaching process, the space to carry out the activities and the interaction with the work group, it is part of the population between 15 and 65 years old, with difficulties to communicate, interact and socialize in the classroom; In conclusion, it is possible to analyze and interpret the meaning that students give to the reading-writing process, to overcome obstacles and achieve the purpose of learning.


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How to Cite

Castrillón Jaimes, Y. C. (2023). Reading-writing process in education by cycles Comfanorte school, municipality of los Patios. Basic Health Sciencies Journal, 1(1), 11–20.



Research Articles