About the Journal

The Journal Physical Activity and Human Development is dedicated to disseminate the results of research and knowledge in the different fields of health and to promote the exchange of opinions to strengthen Physical Education, physical activity and the quality of life of the population.
The Journal is published annually in August by the University of Pamplona, Faculty of Health and Department of Physical Education, Pamplona, Colombia.
This guide for authors contains the guidelines that should be taken into account for the preparation, elaboration and submission of articles to the Journal Physical Activity and Human Development, as well as for their classification and acceptance.

The Journal Physical Activity and Human Development is dedicated to disseminate the results of research and knowledge in the different fields of health and to promote the exchange of opinions to strengthen Physical Education, physical activity and the quality of life of the population.
The Journal is published annually in August by the University of Pamplona, Faculty of Health and Department of Physical Education, Pamplona, Colombia.
This guide for authors contains the guidelines that should be taken into account for the preparation, elaboration and submission of articles to the Journal Physical Activity and Human Development, as well as for their classification and acceptance.

The receipt of the article by the Journal Physical Activity and Human Development does not imply any obligation for its publication or commitment regarding its publication date. In no case will the authors receive payment for the inclusion of their document in the Journal.
The Revista Actividad Física y Desarrollo Humano reserves all legal rights of reproduction of the articles it publishes.
Once the article has been sent to RAFYDS, the editor will send the corresponding acknowledgement of receipt to the author via e-mail. All articles are initially reviewed by the Editor, who verifies compliance with the required presentation criteria; if there are aspects to be adjusted, the author will be informed immediately. It is important that the author keeps a copy of all material submitted. At any time the author may request information on the status of the article via e-mail to the Journal's e-mail address.
When the article complies with the guidelines of form, it will be submitted to the Editorial Committee through the Director of the Journal, for general review and assignment of two Academic Peers, who will evaluate the scientific and academic quality of the same and will give their concept according to the format that the Journal has for this purpose. The Academic Peers are professional experts in the thematic area of the article. The identities of both authors and peer reviewers will not be disclosed. All articles are subject to a review process by at least two external reviewers who are experts in the field of the document submitted.
When the concepts of the Academic Peers are available, the Director of the Journal will notify the author about the peer's concepts and will give him/her a reasonable period of time to respond and make the necessary adjustments. If the Academic Peers' opinions are quite dissimilar or if there are special situations that merit an additional evaluation, the Committee will appoint the Peers required to continue with the process of integral evaluation of the article.
The Editorial Committee will make the decision regarding the article, after the adjustments made by the author, which can be: Accept it definitively, Accept it with adjustments or Reject it. The Director of the Journal will communicate the final decision of the Editorial Committee to the author.
The authors of accepted articles must fill out a form about their professional curriculum vitae before the publication of the document.
The accepted article will then undergo English and style correction. Before publication, the author will receive a copy of the document to be published for review and final approval of the document to be included in the volume of the Journal.

General parameters: The article should be submitted in letter size 21.5 x 28.0 cm; Double spacing; Margins: 4 cm on the left and 3 cm on the other margins; Numbering: On all pages, in the lower right corner of each page; Font: Times New Roman; Font size: 12.
Titles: Aligned to the left, in capital letters, those corresponding to: Title in Spanish and English, Author's name, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, Conflicts of interest, Bibliographical references and Annexes. Other titles and subtitles should be in lower case, with the first letter in upper case, aligned to the left.
Maximum length of the article: 30 pages.
Title: Short but informative. It should be limited to 15 words. Centered in capital letters.
Authors' names: First names, first surname, initial letter of the second surname followed by a period. Aligned to the right. The author's pen name will be respected, i.e., the usual way of separating surnames by a hyphen. The order of the authors will remain as it is in the submitted manuscript, understanding that the first is the main author.
Authors' information: In a footnote, with consecutive Arabic numerals, the following information about each author should be written: Profession, academic degrees, professional affiliation (institutions with which he/she is linked), current position, city, country, e-mail (of the main author or the person in charge of correspondence).
Abstract: Length between 150 and 250 words in Spanish and English.
Keywords: 3 to 7 that identify with certainty the content of the article. Terms from the Medical Subject Headings (MESH) list of Index Medicus or LILACS should be used in order to facilitate indexing in databases and to indicate the source. Links to consult keywords in Spanish: http:// decs.bvs.br/E/homepagee.htm ; and in English: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/

Acknowledgements: The name, affiliation and type of collaboration provided by collaborators in the preparation of the manuscript, but who are not listed as authors, should be included. The persons named in the acknowledgements must have expressed their consent to be mentioned and the author is responsible for obtaining written permission from them.

Conflicts of interest: Notes on personal or institutional relationships that may affect the conduct, results or interpretation of the same.
Citation of bibliographical references: Each bibliographical reference will be cited in the text with an Arabic numeral in parentheses according to the consecutive order of appearance.
Bibliographic References: For the presentation of these, the Journal Physical Activity and Human Development is governed by APA style standards which uses the term Bibliographic References.
Tables: Tables should be self-explanatory and not duplicate what is stated in the text, since their function is to complement or replace it. They must have: Table, Consecutive number according to numerical order, Title, Body, Notes, Column and row titles, Source of the table (citation of the origin of the table). The abbreviations used in the headings should be explained in the footnote of the table and should be identified exclusively with lowercase letters in superscript. Use only horizontal lines to draw up the table.
Citation of tables: Each table will be cited in the text with a consecutive Arabic numeral according to the order of appearance, in parentheses. Example: (Table 1).
Figures: They correspond to graphs, photos, maps, schemes, drawings, diagrams and similar that are used to illustrate or expand the information but not to duplicate it. Each figure should have a Legend as follows: Figure, Consecutive number according to numerical order, Title, Notes (optional), Source of the figure (citation of the origin of the figure or copyright). The figures can be elaborated in Word, in which case they are part of the document; they can also be inserted in the document, in which case the image files, duly identified, must be attached in a separate file, complying with the characteristic of high resolution for printing (300 dpi), in JPG format.
Citation of figures: Each figure will be cited in the text in the order in which it appears, in parentheses. Example: (Figure 1).
Abbreviations: When their use is indispensable, they should be preceded by their full expanded form and placed in parentheses the first time they are used. Abbreviations should be avoided in the title and abstract.
Units of measurement: Measurements of weight, height, length and volume should be presented in metric units (meter, kilogram, liter, etc.). The International System of Units should be used in all cases, whose abbreviations of the units of measurement do not have plural or punctuation marks.
Decimals: They will be indicated by means of ¿,¿ (comma).
Percentages: They will be placed without leaving a space with respect to the numbers. Example: 23.5%.

The complete text of the article should be sent to the Journal Physical Activity and Human Development on magnetic and/or printed media in original, accompanied by a cover letter from the author(s) that includes the following points:
Indicate that the authors agree with the content, organization and presentation of the article.
To declare that the article is original, that it has not been published before and that it will not be submitted to another national or international journal, while it is in the process of evaluation by the Editorial Committee of the Journal Physical Activity and Human Development.
To declare that the authors have respected the right to privacy of the persons who participated in the research; that they have complied with ethical norms of experimentation with humans; and that in the acknowledgements they included in the acknowledgements the persons, who without being authors, participated in a special way in the realization of the study.
Indicate that the authors have no conflicts of interest; if any, make the corresponding note.
Authorize the Revista Actividad Física y Desarrollo Humano to reproduce the text, figures or any other material that is subject to copyright; make adjustments to the content and style of the article by the English and style reviewers.
Indicate which author will be in charge of receiving and sending correspondence, otherwise it will be assumed that the first author will assume the aforementioned functions.
Include the full name (name and two surnames), identification document and signature of all authors.
The physical article should be submitted in letter size, printed on both sides. On magnetic media it should be sent in Word format, either on CD or via Internet. The letter can be sent scanned in PDF format.

This journal provides open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge.


The addresses of the journal are:
Revista Actividad Física y Desarrollo Humano
Faculty of Health
Department of Physical Education
Ciudadela Universitaria Km 1 Vía Bucaramanga, Pamplona Norte de Santander
University of Pamplona
E-mail: revistaactividadfisicaup@gmail.com
Telephone: 320-4132847