Obtaining biochar as a strategy for sustainable management of waste derived from the industrial process of oil palm (Elaeis Guineensis)





Pyrolysis, Biochar, sustainability, oil palm


Industrial development in palm has led to greater waste generation, so this has become an environmental and economic problem. For this reason, the appropriate method was implemented to obtain the biochar from the oil palm rachis.  In this way, a descriptive investigation was carried out, not experimental, in three samples of homogenized rachis of 500 grams each, where they were determined: rachis moisture content, rachis oil content, and biochar yield based on dry matter.  An average humidity of 2,58 % was obtained, an oil content of 16,13 % and yields in the biochar between 76,96 and 79,24 %. Thus, it is evident that the method of obtaining the biochar from the palm rachis is satisfactory, due to the high yields achieved; generating better waste disposal by offering the biochar as fertilizer.


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How to Cite

Suero Díaz, H. D., Mejías Monsalve, M. O., González García, H., & Mojica Sánchez, L. F. (2024). Obtaining biochar as a strategy for sustainable management of waste derived from the industrial process of oil palm (Elaeis Guineensis). REVISTA AMBIENTAL AGUA, AIRE Y SUELO, 15(1), 79–89. https://doi.org/10.24054/raaas.v15i1.2915


