Evaluation of biogas production from cocoa husks and mucilage





Coca pod husks, cocoa mucilage, biogas, co-digestion, waste


The cocoa industry generates a significant amount of waste during the production process, notably cocoa pod husks (CPH) and cocoa mucilage exudate (CME) among them. These residues can be utilized as substrates in anaerobic digestion systems for biogas production due to their high organic content. In this regard, the objective of this study was to evaluate biogas production from these residues. To achieve this, the biochemical methane potential and semi-continuous production in anaerobic digesters were determined. As results, the potential of EMC was significantly higher compared to CVC and its co-digestion; A maximum methane yield of 636.4 NmLCH4/g·VS, 114.3 NmLCH4/g·VS, and 345.7 NmLCH4/g·VS were obtained, respectively. In semi-continuous biogas production, biogas yields of 294.9 mL/gVS·d were obtained with the CVC and 462.2 mL/gVS·d with the EMC. In addition, pH stability problems were identified in the system with EMC, although significant biogas yields were obtained. This study emphasizes the importance of adopting sustainable practices in cocoa waste management to mitigate environmental pollution through anaerobic digestion systems.


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How to Cite

Tabarez Hincapie, K. V., Ramón Vanegas, A. A., Carrasco Salcedo, L. M., & Vásquez Bustamante, J. E. (2024). Evaluation of biogas production from cocoa husks and mucilage. REVISTA AMBIENTAL AGUA, AIRE Y SUELO, 15(1), 21–28. https://doi.org/10.24054/raaas.v15i1.2891




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