


Norean Formation, Triassic-Jurassic magmatism, Vulcanoclastic unit


The Noreán Formation, also known as "Noreán Volcanoclastic Unit", widely distinguished by rocks dating from 158±12 and 144±4 Ma (pre-Cretaceous) with the largest volcanic record in Colombia, its origin is associated with environmental conditions of continental detrital accumulations up to 4500 meters thick, which show a strong magmatism by the presence of dykes and silos (sometimes with the presence of strategic minerals, such as malachite). Constituted by a sequence of continental detritic rocks of reddish color, with intercalations of tuffs, breccias and crystalline volcanosedimentary rocks of andesitic, dacitic and rhyolitic composition, with presence of small hypohabisal intrusions; it is subdivided into six groups by their lithological characteristics, compositions and forms of emplacement, from base to top in: Pyroclastic Epiclastic (Jnpe), Spherulitic Effusive (Jnee), Pyroclastic and Dacitic Effusive (Jnpd), Dacitic Effusive (Jned), Rhyolitic Effusive (Jner), and Andesitic Hypoabyssal (Jnha); whose type section is located in the village of Noreán, located 1 km northeast of Aguachica, Cesar; on the Buturama - Bombeadero road, Colombia. Its stratigraphic and sedimentological character means that the Noreán Formation has a great genetic record of the Triassic-Jurassic magmatic events. This research is based on a geological analysis of the Noreán Formation or "Noreán Volcanoclastic Unit", focused on its genetic relationship with the Triassic - Jurassic magmatic events, by obtaining documentary material and digital cartographic material available on the web and databases. Concluding that the Noreán Formation has a genetic relationship with the magmatic events, because its rocks date ages from the Lower to Upper Jurassic, in which hypoabyssal bodies and almost syngenetic intrusions are evidenced, accompanied by detritic accumulations, easily observable in its six assemblages.


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2024-02-02 — Updated on 2022-12-19


How to Cite

Lascarro Navarro, F. D., Rojas Martínez, E. E., & Manco Jaraba, D. C. (2022). GENETIC CORRELATION OF TRIASSIC-JURASSIC MAGMATIC EVENTS AND THE NOREAN FORMATION. REVISTA AMBIENTAL AGUA, AIRE Y SUELO, 13(2), 90–103. (Original work published February 2, 2024)




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