
  • Frank Lascarro-Navarro, Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina
  • Dino Carmelo Manco-Jaraba Universidad de La Guajira
  • Elìas Ernesto Rojas-Martínez Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina



generating rock, hydrocarbons, sedimentology, Formation of the moon


The lithologies of the La Luna Formation are widely recognized in Colombia for being hydrocarbon-generating rock, its genesis is associated with anxic depositional environmental conditions that prevailed during the Barremiano to Maestrichtiano globally, formed by a wide sequence of black lutitas with a large amount of organic matter, interspersed with thin limestone strata, presenting a total thickness of up to 600 m; it is divided into three Members (Salada, Pujamana and Galembo) whose type section is located in the state of Zulia, Venezuela. Its stratigraphic and sedimentological character leads to the La Luna Formation having great potential such as generating rock and reservoir rock from unconventional deposits. This research has a methodology based on the search, collection and exhaustive examination of publications made at national and international level, related to studies carried out in the La Luna Formation, focused on its sedimentological importance and implications such as hydrocarbon-generating rock. The Moon Formation exhibits physical and chemical properties for the accumulation and generation of hydrocarbons with fully kerogen-saturated porosity by at least 10%-20%, considered to have high hydrocarbon potential in the Catatumbo basin, Middle Magdalena Valley and Cesar-Ranchería, whose cumulative volume of hydrocarbon is around 2000 Million Barrels of Petroleum (MBP) in situ , at depths ranging from 1,000 to 5,000 m, as well as in the offshore Guajira basin (still almost unexplored) which has gas reports from 92 to 3500 GPCG (Billion Cubic Feet of Gas) which are of great interest for further further studies and economic assessments to achieve their commercial development in order to improve economic conditions , social and scientific of the country.


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2024-02-01 — Updated on 2022-11-18


How to Cite

Lascarro-Navarro, , F., Manco-Jaraba, D. C., & Rojas-Martínez, E. E. (2022). ROLE OF SEDIMENTARY PROCESSES IN THE GENERATION OF HYDROCARBONS IN THE LA LUNA FORMATION. REVISTA AMBIENTAL AGUA, AIRE Y SUELO, 13(2), 10–26. (Original work published February 1, 2024)




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