Review process

During the article reception, evaluation, and publication process, the following steps will be taken:

1). Researchers will submit the articles digitally to the email (See Author Guidelines).

2). The article to be evaluated will be accompanied by a cover letter addressed to the Editorial Committee of the journal.

3). The Editorial Committee will review each article and decide on its suitability for publication.

4). The original article will be sent to academic referees under the double-blind peer review modality.

5). The referee will have a period of 2 weeks to provide feedback through an evaluation form, making necessary adjustments. A reminder for article evaluation submission will be sent to the referees before the end of the 2-week period.

6). The evaluated article, after adjustments, will have a maximum of 5 days to be resubmitted to the referees.

7). The referee will provide the acceptance or rejection decision to the editorial committee. The author of the article will be notified of the decision.

8). Once the article is accepted, the author(s) must complete a publication authorization form in favor of the University of Pamplona, sent by the Editorial Committee.

9). The editorial committee proceeds with the editing process of the article.

10). Publication certification is provided to the author, and the printed and original copy of the CBS journal is sent.