Katharine Kolcaba's comfort model in a patient with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML): Case study
nursing care, leukemias, patient comfortAbstract
Introduction: Leukemias are cancers that originate in cells that would normally mature into different blood cell types. The application of assessment models such as Marjory Gordon's functional patterns allows to effectively address the multiple needs of these patients. A 66-year-old female patient with a diagnosis of AML, pulmonary infection, arterial hypertension, severe pancytopenia, severe anemic syndrome, severe neutropenia and grade II obesity. Materials and Methods: Qualitative case study using the nursing care process based on Marjory Gordon's assessment model and the taxonomies of diagnoses (NANDA), outcomes (NOC) and nursing interventions (NIC). Results: Three priority nursing diagnoses were identified for the patient with AML: frailty syndrome of the elderly, insomnia and risk of infection. Interventions applied using the NOC and NIC taxonomies showed varied effectiveness, highlighting significant improvements in self-care and emotional management, although sleep control and infection prevention continued to present challenges due to the hospital setting and the complexity of the patient's condition. Conclusions: The effectiveness of applying Marjory Gordon's functional patterns and NANDA, NOC and NIC taxonomies was demonstrated. Although improvements in self-care and physical mobility were observed through personalized interventions, challenges persist due to the complexity of their chronic conditions and hospital factors.
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