Importance of physiotherapy as part of an interdisciplinary team in palliative care




Palliative care, physiotherapy, terminal stage, multidisciplinary


Introduction: Palliative care is a type of care designed to provide, welfare, comfort and support to patients who are in the final phase of a terminal illness. The physiotherapy team aims to reduce the symptoms of the disease, provide comfort, and improve the patient's quality of life through noninvasive treatments where therapeutic exercise is included as the main method. Materials and methods: A descriptive type of systematic review of ten articles analyzed between the years 2013 to 2023 was performed. The selection of such was performed according to the PRISMA criteria statement, the articles collected had to contain the different areas found in CP highlighting the treatment and the main functions performed by the physiotherapy team. Results: The evidence collected demonstrated that the physiotherapy treatment generated in patients in PC allowed the reduction of hospitalization days by 26%, reduced the burden of symptoms by 40%, as well as helped to recover strength, physical function, quality of life. life and independence of the patient in activities of daily living. Conclusions: This study highlights the significant contribution of physiotherapy within an interdisciplinary team in palliative care. The results support the importance of integrating physical therapy into palliative care, providing substantial benefits focused on improving quality of life, providing comfort, and reducing symptoms of the disease.


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How to Cite

Pereira Rodríguez, J. E., & Rojas Gómez, M. (2024). Importance of physiotherapy as part of an interdisciplinary team in palliative care. Basic Health Sciencies Journal, 2(3), 96–116.



Research Articles