Incidence of overweight and obesity of workers who understand periodic labor exam at the ips prevenir S.O. from Cucuta


  • José Leonardo Rodríguez Riveros Universidad de Pamplona
  • Keilla Zisley Cordero Torres Universidad de Pamplona



Incidence, obesity, overweight, occupational health


General Objective: Determine the incidence of nutritional disorders (overweight and obesity) among workers who undergo periodic work examinations at the IPS Prevent S.O. of Cucuta during the period between January and March 2020. Specific objectives: Characterize the population studied based on key variables such as sex, labor section and age range. In addition, the magnitude of obesity and overweight was evaluated. Methodology: Descriptive research, where demographic and health data of the participants were collected using specific techniques and instruments for anthropometric evaluation and statistical analysis to determine the incidence of overweight and obesity in the studied population. Results: The study had a population
of 884 workers, determining a total by anthropometry of 339 overweight people and 115 obese. According to the variables, the following reports were found with overweight and obesity, in gender: the male group 341 and female 113; in labor section, operational 319 and administrative 135 and in age range: youth 50, adulthood 395 and old age 9. Indicating that the incidence rate of overweight and obesity in the IPS Prevent S.O. of Cucuta Norte de Santander is 1 overweight or obese worker for
every 2 workers. Conclusion: According to BMI, people who are in a job section, such as administrators or workers, are equally likely to have obesity. Even so, it is also worth noting that, regardless of the job section, one can also be in a normal BMI range. According to the incidence rate of overweight and obesity, it was observed that a promotion and prevention plan is required to enhance the health of the workers of the IPS Prevent S.O. of Cucuta Norte de Santander, improving its productivity.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Riveros, J. L., & Cordero Torres , K. Z. (2024). Incidence of overweight and obesity of workers who understand periodic labor exam at the ips prevenir S.O. from Cucuta. Basic Health Sciencies Journal, 2(1), 54–63.



Research Articles