High intensity training and cardiovascular toxicity in cancer


  • Javier Eliecer Pereira-Rodríguez Centro de Estudios e Investigación FISICOL https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9136-7603
  • Arizbeth De Jesús-Guerra Centro de Estudios e Investigación FISICOL
  • Devi Geesel Peñaranda-Flórez Centro de Estudios e Investigación FISICOL
  • Zuleyma Terrón-Cárdenas Centro de Estudios e Investigación FISICOL
  • Hiady Estefanía Rivera-López Centro de Estudios e Investigación FISICOL
  • Isaías Sánchez- García Centro de Estudios e Investigación FISICOL




Cardiotoxicity, high intensity exercise, physiotherapy


Introduction: Survival in oncology patients has an increasing percentage, as well as the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases because of antineoplastic treatment; timely diagnosis and intervention in an interdisciplinary manner, being essential to reduce and/or prevent cardiovascular conditions. Objective: To determine the efficacy of high intensity training on cardiovascular toxicity in cancer. Materials and methods: A chronological and retrospective descriptive systematic review of articles analyzed between 2018 and 2022 was conducted, according to the criteria of the PRISMA declaration and evaluating the methodology under the criteria of the PEDro scale. Information was collected on the population, group characteristics, intervention, effects, and results. Results: Nine clinical trials were analyzed, with a total of 724 oncological participants under chemotherapy treatment, and it was found that HIIT training improved ejection fraction (39.6±7.3 vs 46.5±2.4; p= 0.005), maximum heart rate (154.0± 13.0 vs 168.5±8.0; p= 0.005), systolic blood pressure (133.5±6.2 vs 122.0±1.6; p= 0.005), diastolic blood pressure (86.5±10.3 vs 81.0± 2.4; p= 0.005). In addition, it increases VO2 levels, strength and reduces fatigue associated with cancer, among other variables. Conclusion: HIIT not only leads to significant improvements in functional capacity and quality of life, but also emerges as a potentially promising strategy to prevent cardiotoxicity associated with antineoplastic therapies.


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How to Cite

Pereira-Rodríguez, J. E., De Jesús-Guerra , A., Peñaranda-Flórez, D. G., Terrón-Cárdenas , Z., Rivera-López, H. E., & Sánchez- García, I. (2023). High intensity training and cardiovascular toxicity in cancer. Basic Health Sciencies Journal, 1(2), 63–86. https://doi.org/10.24054/cbs.v1i2.2635



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