Water conservation and sustainable technologies: studies on emerging technologies and practices for sustainable development and ecosystem conservation





Water conservation, sustainable development, ecosystem conservation, sustainable technologies


This review explores the research landscape surrounding water conservation and sustainable technologies, with a specific focus on emerging technologies and practices aimed at achieving sustainable development and ecosystem conservation. The study aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of knowledge, identify key research themes, and highlight the most influential studies in the field. The review employs a systematic approach to identify relevant literature from various scholarly databases and publications. It analyzes a wide range of research articles, conference papers, and academic publications to extract valuable insights and trends. The findings reveal a growing interest in the development and implementation of innovative technologies and practices that promote water conservation and address the challenges associated with sustainable development and ecosystem preservation. The review identifies key areas of research, including water-efficient irrigation techniques, water recycling and reuse systems, smart water management technologies, and ecosystem-based approaches to water conservation. It highlights the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge exchange among scientists, engineers, policymakers, and environmentalists to effectively address the complex issues related to water scarcity and ecosystem degradation. This review serves as a foundation for future research, policy development, and decision-making processes aimed at promoting sustainable development and safeguarding ecosystems for future generations.


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2024-08-25 — Updated on 2024-08-25


How to Cite

Sánchez Castillo, V. (2024). Water conservation and sustainable technologies: studies on emerging technologies and practices for sustainable development and ecosystem conservation. REVISTA AMBIENTAL AGUA, AIRE Y SUELO, 15(2), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.24054/raaas.v15i2.3109


