Evaluation of the different states of natural succession in the municipality of Pueblo Bello, department of Cesar in Colombia





States of Natural Succession, Soil Phytoremediation, Plant Formations, Plant Covers, Natural Forests


In order to know the state of the soil in different successional stages of natural plant covers, we began with the interpretation of satellite images in the Montes Grandes village of the municipality of Pueblo Bello in Colombia, to search for formations associated with natural tree covers, a formation in the process of natural succession with 30 years of age, an adult natural forest, and an agroforestry crop that includes coffee, planted three years ago, with adult native trees, in each of these formations a plot of a tenth of a hectare, within these all the plants that had a minimum height of 1.3 meters and a diameter at breast height of 3.5 centimeters were raised, the collection of specimens was made, the determination of the species, the calculation of the number of individuals, species, families and some ecological indicators, soil samples were also taken, these were analyzed by a soil laboratory certificate, obtaining as a result of the whole exercise that the secondary vegetation plant formation presents the largest number of species and individuals per unit area, that the tallest trees are found in agroforestry systems and the largest volume of living biomass is found in the mature natural forest. Regarding the soil, the agroforestry systems presented high levels above the other formations of organic matter, organic carbon, cation exchange capacity, magnesium, the secondary vegetation formation presents the highest values in phosphorus, sulfur and calcium saturation, while that the adult natural forest leads the manganese values.


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2024-02-12 — Updated on 2024-02-12

How to Cite

Rudas Muñoz, A., & Mendoza Corzo, E. D. (2024). Evaluation of the different states of natural succession in the municipality of Pueblo Bello, department of Cesar in Colombia. REVISTA AMBIENTAL AGUA, AIRE Y SUELO, 14(1), 55–71. https://doi.org/10.24054/raaas.v14i1.2751




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