Carbon storage variability in Guadua Angustifolia Kunth forests in the Colombian coffee region




Biomass, Site conditions, Greenhouse efect, Management, Climate change


This study seeks to contribute to the solution of environmental questions, through the estimation of the carbon content stored in the forests of Guadua angustifolia Kunth (guadua) in the Colombian coffee region. For this, information collected in 33 guadua forests was used, to which the carbon content in the biomass was evaluated, considering site conditions and characteristics associated with management. The carbon content in the biomass tended to increase significantly (p<0.05) when the density of culms per ha, slope, temperature and precipitation increased. These changes were expressed in a range of variation of carbon content in biomass between 18 t.ha-1 to 260 t.ha-1 and 108 t.ha (±63t) on average. Here it was evidenced that these forests are important carbon sinks, comparable with other tropical forest ecosystems and have the potential to implement mitigation strategies in the face of climate change.


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2024-02-12 — Updated on 2023-02-12

How to Cite

Aguirre Hernández, D. A., Criollo Correa, M., & Camargo García, J. C. (2023). Carbon storage variability in Guadua Angustifolia Kunth forests in the Colombian coffee region. REVISTA AMBIENTAL AGUA, AIRE Y SUELO, 14(1), 25–38.


