About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Environmental Journal Water, Air, and Soil (EJWAS) considers the publication of research documents in accordance with the editorial policy of the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation - MinCiencias; its objective is the publication of research articles, books, and book chapters in all areas of scientific knowledge.

It selects its contents through a peer-review process, using the "double-blind" system. Regarding its ethical policy, it adheres to the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

It is the responsibility of the authors to provide complete information on the bibliographic references used and to give the corresponding credits. Even in the case of using their own material, the respective credit must be given.

The content of the contributions is the total responsibility of the authors, and in no way of the editorial seal of the organization or the institutions for which the authors work.

The authors grant the editorial seal their property rights so that the documents can be published and communicated in any form or medium. The documents published by the seal are protected under a CREATIVE COMMONS ATTRIBUTION 4.0 INTERNATIONAL license. The documents are sent to databases and indexing systems for dissemination, and can be consulted via the internet on the website of the editorial seal.

Publication Frequency

Publication Frequency: Biannual.
Vol. 1 from January to June.
Vol. 2 from July to December.

Open Access Policy

This Journal provides immediate open access to its content under the principle of supporting and sharing knowledge, therefore it does NOT charge for submission, nor for processing of works. The Environmental Journal Water, Air, and Soil (RAAAS) is a scientific publication of open access, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0 DEED). This license allows non-commercial use, without modification, with appropriate acknowledgment, meaning that the content can be used, distributed, and reproduced in any medium, as long as the original author and source are properly cited.

Submission and Publication Fees. Free of Charge

The Environmental Journal Water, Air, and Soil (EJWAS) is an Open Access publication that does not charge any fees for the arbitration and publication process, including review, formatting, printing, and distribution (APCs). As an open access journal, no fee is applied for accessing and downloading the journal.


Through the use of Turnitin software, licensed by the University of Pamplona, EJWAS conducts plagiarism and self-plagiarism analysis to ensure the originality of received manuscripts. The journal's editor registers the author's document in this online software.

Digital Preservation Policy and Use of Uniform Identifier

EJWAS, efficiently employing the Open Journal System (OJS), ensures the digital preservation of its contents and assigns a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), providing a persistent identifier managed by Crossref. Additionally, the journal benefits from the digital preservation services of the PKP Preservation Network, being stored in the LOCKSS system developed by the Stanford University Library. This guarantees a permanent and secure archive for the journal.

Currently, the EJWAS journal is supported by the Open Journal Systems platform. The journal has been evaluated in the Publindex Colombia index, classified in category C, a status maintained to date. All articles published in EJWAS use DOIs as uniform resource identifiers, which are registered in the OJS.

Interoperability Protocol

The journal incorporates interoperability protocols, such as OAI-PMH (Open Archive Initiative-Protocol for Metadata Harvesting), allowing its contents to be collected by other distribution systems, such as digital repositories and harvesters.

Ownership and Management

The University of Pamplona is the publishing entity that, through budget allocations for periodic publications, sponsors the journal under the responsibility of the Vice Presidency of Research. The publication is edited by the University of Pamplona in Colombia, with its main headquarters located in Pamplona, Km 1 Via Bucaramanga Ciudad Universitaria Pamplona - Norte de Santander – Colombia. For more information, you can contact via phone: 6075685303, Postal Code: 543057, or visit the website: www.unipamplona.edu.co.