Transformation of electromyographic signals of subvocal speech using compressive sensing and artificial intelligence


  • José Daniel Ramírez Corzo Universidad de Pamplona
  • Luis Enrique Mendoza Universidad de Pamplona
  • Leonardo Carrascal Universidad de Pamplona


Palabras clave:

Sparse, Python, electromyography multi - resolution analysis, Raspberry Pi


This article shows the acquisition of electrical signals from the nerves of the throat and oral cords, transforming them into voice signals using advanced techniques in digital signal processing and artificial intelligence, based on the extraction of patterns based on compressive sensing, Entropy, discrete Wavelet transform and a classifier based on vector support machines of least squares, once the system has been calibrated, the results showed that 95% + - 0.34 of data were correctly classified. The developed system was used in 500 signals and is based on an Open Source programming language implemented in an embedded system. Finally, it was shown that it is possible to use compressive sensing to extract subvocal speech patterns.


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Cómo citar

Ramírez Corzo, J. D., Mendoza, L. E., & Carrascal, L. (2020). Transformation of electromyographic signals of subvocal speech using compressive sensing and artificial intelligence. Revista Semilleros De Investigación, 3(1), 1–9.


