Evaluation of the enzymatic activity of fungal extracts obtained from endophytic fungi isolated from cape gooseberry (Physalis Peruviana)


  • Angi Smailliw Quevedo Villamizar Universidad de Pamplona
  • Ana Sofia González Remolina Universidad de Pamplona
  • Daniel Carillo Ureña Universidad de Pamplona
  • Anny Lorena Hernández Sepulveda Universidad de Pamplona
  • Annie Josshua Lobo Albarracín Universidad de Pamplona




Cape gooseberry, Metabolites, Endophytic fungi, biotechnology


Nature with its variety in the cosmos gives us relevant information in the biotechnological development of the country, as a result of this, a doubt arises about the bioprocesses that occur between endophytic fungi and the tropical plant called Physalis peruviana at a scientific level. This research of experimental type, with a comparative approach, seeks to evaluate the probability of finding endophytic fungi isolated from “cape gooseberry” which have the ability to produce stable enzymes with high potential in the biotechnological industry in the city of Pamplona, Norte de Santander, Colombia, performing different steps such as: isolation, characterization of the most promising fungi, production of the mycotic enzymes at low scale, standardization of the production of the enzymatic extracts found and determination of the most stable enzymes, this research is still in progress so data are still being collected to give an answer to the unknown.


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How to Cite

Quevedo Villamizar, A. S., González Remolina, A. S., Carillo Ureña, D., Hernández Sepulveda, A. L., & Lobo Albarracín, A. J. (2024). Evaluation of the enzymatic activity of fungal extracts obtained from endophytic fungi isolated from cape gooseberry (Physalis Peruviana). Revista Semilleros De Investigación, 5(1), 15–19. https://doi.org/10.24054/sei.v5i1.3507