Active learning methodologies: project, problem and challenge based learning.




Project-based learning, Problem-based learning, Challenge-based learning, Active methodologies, 21st century education, Educational strategies, Critical skills, Collaboration, Critical thinking, Troubleshooting


This article explores active learning methodologies, specifically Project Based Learning (PBL), Problems and Challenges, in third and fourth semester students of the Psychology and Social Sciences programs at the University of Pamplona. The objectives of the study include identifying and evaluating the effectiveness of these methodologies in the contemporary educational context. The research is based on a systematic review of existing literature and the analysis of case studies in educational institutions that have implemented these methodologies, the results show that PBL significantly improves students' understanding and retention of knowledge, while developing essential skills such as problem solving, critical thinking and collaboration.
This research contributes to the educational field by offering practical strategies for the implementation of active learning methodologies, highlighting their relevance in the integral formation of students and their preparation to face academic and professional challenges.


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2024-08-01 — Updated on 2024-07-01


How to Cite

Flórez Valencia, L. T. (2024). Active learning methodologies: project, problem and challenge based learning. Revista Investigación & Praxis En CS Sociales, 3(1), 97–120. (Original work published August 1, 2024)


