Competency-based assessment and learning: new competency-based assessment models




Competency-based assessment, Competency-based learning, Evaluation models, 21st Century Skills, Academic performance, Competencies, Higher education, Educational strategies, Professional preparation


This article investigates competency-based assessment and learning in student teachers, focusing on new assessment models that measure essential skills and knowledge for the 21st century labor market. It identifies effective competency-based assessment practices and analyzes their impact on students' academic performance and career readiness. Using a systematic review of the literature and case studies in educational institutions, the results show that these assessments foster deeper and more relevant learning, enhancing students' ability to apply knowledge in practical contexts. The research provides evidence-based strategies for the implementation of competency-based assessments, highlighting their importance for the integral formation of students.


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2024-08-01 — Updated on 2024-07-01


How to Cite

Joya Bonilla, B. Y. (2024). Competency-based assessment and learning: new competency-based assessment models. Revista Investigación & Praxis En CS Sociales, 3(1), 80–96. (Original work published August 1, 2024)




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