Alternative control of foliar fungal diseases in strawberry crops (Fragaria x ananassa Duch), in the municipality of Pamplona, Norte de Santander




Biopreparations, Caldo Rhizósfera, Trichodernma, fungicides


This research aimed to compare agroecological control alternatives of foliar fungal diseases of strawberry cultivation in the El Aliso farm, of the Municipality of Pamplona, Norte de Santander, as specific objectives was to identify foliar fungal diseases in strawberry cultivation in the research area and characterize the biopreparations to subsequently determine the efficacy in the control of foliar fungal diseases of strawberry cultivation. Samples obtained from the strawberry crop were taken and the identification of the causal microorganism of each disease was carried out at laboratories of microbiology and phytopathology of the University of Pamplona with the help of teachers. The biopreparations M4, M6, M30 and Caldo Rhizosfera produced by ASPAGRO were characterized. Finally, an experiment was carried out in strawberry cultivation in the El Aliso farm where a random block design was used with six treatments each with an average of 27 m2, evaluating 20 plants per treatment and always choosing the center of each lot. The treatments were two bioprepared (M4 and Caldo Rhizosfera), a control without treatment, a biological (Trichoderma sp.) and two chemicals (Benomíl and Monopotassium phosphite). The most important foliar diseases of strawberries were identified on El Aliso farm as Ramularia tulasnei, Colletotrichum sp and Botrytis cinerea. The dynamics of the diseases was greatly influenced by pruning work and the harvests carried out. The efficacy of the Caldo Rhizosfera and M4 biopreparations and Trichoderma sp against Botrytis cinerea, Ramularia tulasnei and Colletotrichum sp. in flower with results similar to Monopotassium Phosphite. Benomíl was very effective against Colletotrichum sp. in leaf and fruit. There was no evidence of difference in the Area Under the Disease Progress Curve (ABCPE) of any treatment compared to the control.


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How to Cite

Vega, H., Castellanos Gonzalez, L., Céspedes , N., & Sequeda Serrano, Y. A. (2019). Alternative control of foliar fungal diseases in strawberry crops (Fragaria x ananassa Duch), in the municipality of Pamplona, Norte de Santander. CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA AGROPECUARIA, 4(1), 10–21.



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