Model of emotions in university students during the process of learning calculus


  • Mawency Vergel Ortega Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Henry de Jesús Gallardo Pérez Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Jhan Piero Rojas Suárez Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander



Competences, emotions, model, student, calculus


he purpose of the research is the construction and empirical validation of a model of structural equations with predictive capacity to explain emotional responses during the learning of calculation of students in university programs with hybrid mode of the Faculty of Engineering of the University Francisco de Paula Santander. The study was applied to university students from the first to the fourth semester. The results allow to associate emerging conceptual categories of friendship, role, innovation in learning, emotion, feeling, environment, family support. The emerging paradigms were the ISSN: 1692-7257 -Volumen 37–Número Especial-2020Universidad de PamplonaI. I. D. T. A. 127Revista Colombiana de Tecnologías de Avanzadasynchronic behavior, inter-agent epistemology, self-organization dynamics, abstract symbolic representation, the concurrent self-organization of a network. It is concluded that the multilevel model of emotions is adequate to describe the relationship between predictor variables and emergent categories with the management of emotions in calculus students.


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2021-04-25 — Updated on 2020-08-14


How to Cite

Vergel Ortega, M., Gallardo Pérez, H. de J., & Rojas Suárez, J. P. (2020). Model of emotions in university students during the process of learning calculus. COLOMBIAN JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES, 3(2), 126–133. (Original work published April 25, 2021)


