Use of Machine Learning to detect P300-type brain signals by generating visual and auditory stimuli




Machine Learning, P300, electroencephalography, data augmentation


The P300 signal is an evoked potential that occurs in the occipital region of the brain when an unexpected visual or auditory change to a light or sound pattern is presented. This pulse is commonly studied in the field of biomedicine, used in partial recovery of mobility in quadriplegic patients through a screen with different commands, in which the patient moves his eyes towards the desired command, and generating the P300 is performed. the desired command. It is from here that the Machine Learning models are used, being Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine and K Nearest Neighbors, to recognize characteristics of electroencephalographic signals with the presence and absence of P300 and an increase in data is applied to them by improving the training, in order to obtain the analysis of the best predictors of the P300 brain signal.


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How to Cite

Perdomo Cely, A. J., Pardo Beainy, C. E., & Alonso Amarillo, M. (2024). Use of Machine Learning to detect P300-type brain signals by generating visual and auditory stimuli. COLOMBIAN JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES, 2(44), 170–176.