Design of an application with augmented reality in the creation of educational content




Augmented reality, education, usability, prototype, SUM


The present study describes the development of an interactive application based on Augmented Reality with educational content to be used as a didactic resource at different times of a geometry class in elementary school. Initially, the subject of the class is chosen for the prototype content, the characteristics for the application design and the definition of its functional and non-functional requirements are determined, and the Augmented Reality content development tools are selected. Then the prototype is developed, which includes three scenarios: the first, allows the projection of geometric solids in Augmented Reality using image markers. The second scenario allows to calculate the volume of the geometric solids given their input data according to the respective volume formula and the third scenario is about a set of questions related to the subject that yields a final score according to the correct answers. Once the prototype has been implemented in the different class sessions, an evaluation is carried out by the students regarding its usability and functionality.


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How to Cite

Guzman Guzman, G. G., & Santoyo Diaz, J. S. (2024). Design of an application with augmented reality in the creation of educational content. COLOMBIAN JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES, 2(44), 142–152.