Augmented reality as a training resource in the military forces a Police Case - General Santander Cadet School




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The Colombian National Police, in its institutional educational project, enhances police knowledge and training, with tools to face the different challenges of citizens in terms of coexistence and citizen security, analyzing the possibility of implementing augmented reality scenarios in the development of the institutional curriculum at ECSAN, with innovative, dynamic and cutting-edge learning methodologies, allowing an approach from virtuality to facilitate the learning of police regulations, procedures and activities, under this context the methodological route of bibliographic review of background was outlined, followed by the design of the augmented reality prototype, execution of the application and evaluation of its effectiveness through statistical analysis, contributing to the approach and experience of the police service.


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2023-07-28 — Updated on 2023-05-13


How to Cite

Céspedes Prieto, N. E., Cervantes Estrada, L. C., & Martínez Fonseca, L. Y. (2023). Augmented reality as a training resource in the military forces a Police Case - General Santander Cadet School. COLOMBIAN JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES, 1(41), 66–78. (Original work published July 28, 2023)