Mathematical model for the determination of volt-ampere characteristics in solar photocells




Si photocell, I-V characteristic, mathematical model, numerical methods


To use photovoltaic systems, it is necessary to measure precisely the light output that affects each unit of surface in the locations to be installed, which is essential to assess your energy efficiency. For this, these cells must be calibrated and their volt-ampere characteristics (I-V) known. The error made in determining these characteristics was evaluated using a simplified mathematical model and comparing the result of both models with the experimental result of 95 Si photocells from the Combined Electronic Components of the Pinar del Río province; facilitating the necessary calculation in the use of said cells as solar radiation sensors. The experimental points were extracted using the OriginPro 2017 program and processed with the Mathcad 15.0 program and the mathematical theory of numerical methods. The quality of the adjustment is determined by comparing the statistical coefficients R2 corresponding to the complete and simplified equation, for which it has been found so far that said coefficient R2 of the simplified equation is better than that given by the equipment with which experimental values and results are determined as good as with the complete equation.


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2023-05-02 — Updated on 2022-09-29

How to Cite

Y. García Figueredo, F. García Reina, and J. A. Martín Alfonso, “Mathematical model for the determination of volt-ampere characteristics in solar photocells”, RCTA, vol. 2, no. 40, pp. 103–109, Sep. 2022.

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