Thermal behavior of different types of brick produced by the Norte de Santander ceramic cluster




Ceramics, Brick, Thermal Behavior


In a hot tropical climate, the construction elements produced for ceramic envelopes in Norte de Santander require a thermal characterization to define the models that present the best physical behavior with respect to the energy flows captured by an enclosure built with a standard masonry system. This research comparatively evaluates four types of fired red clay brick produced in the region, using thermal simulations to analyze temperature profiles in the different variables of mass, percentage of air in internal chambers and shape of thermal bridges of each piece, determining the model that presents the lowest thermal transmittance. The results provide information for the development processes of construction units and establish advantages in traditional pieces such as structural brick to generate thermal resistance in the ceramic envelope, demonstrating a reduction in transmittance of 1.5°C to 4.2°C with respect to other models of solid or multiperforated brick.


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2022-07-25 — Updated on 2022-07-25

How to Cite

M. S. Narváez Ortega, J. V. Sánchez Zúñiga, and J. Sánchez Molina, “Thermal behavior of different types of brick produced by the Norte de Santander ceramic cluster”, RCTA, vol. 2, no. 40, pp. 47–52, Jul. 2022.