Regulate or not regulate ai? proposal for hybrid regulation of ai in Colombia


  • Alex Bahamón Universidad de los Andes
  • Juan Pablo Barrero Universidad de los Andes



Artificial intelligence, regulation, ethical framework, data usage, self-regulation


Artificial intelligence is a technology that is increasingly important in the scientific and industrial landscape in Colombia. Its implementation brings with it employment, efficiency and other benefits for the economy of the country, but at the same time it generates risks for privacy (e.g. the use of data), the market and consumers, among others. Based on ethical parameters and establishing a set of ethical postulates, we propose an ethical framework that allows the different actors that make use a develop artificial intelligence to self-regulate and that on a basis on which legislation can be developed. Thus, a framework was constructed with allowing innovation and the development of new technologies and protecting the rights of the individuals who are exposed to them as the main objectives.


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2020-10-02 — Updated on 2020-07-03


How to Cite

Bahamón, A. ., & Barrero, J. P. . (2020). Regulate or not regulate ai? proposal for hybrid regulation of ai in Colombia. COLOMBIAN JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES, 2(36), 27–33. (Original work published October 2, 2020)