Instructional design model oriented to the strengthening of algorithmic thinking in students of initial programming courses at the University of Pamplona
computational thinking, algorithmic thinking, instructional design, programming languages, algorithm, thought formation, pedagogyAbstract
The acquisition of skills for "good thinking" is the main objective in any training environment; both in scenarios of high academic rigor and in scenarios oriented to technical training, so that the testing of the knowledge acquired and the skills and training fostered during a training process, allow to efficiently address the challenges involved in the design and development of solutions to the problems that occur in professional life. Thus, the acquisition of knowledge and the strengthening of skills should be especially oriented to the construction of thinking in the specific area; that is, a mathematical thinking in the mathematician, a physical thinking in the physicist, and in the special topic that concerns us, a computational and/or algorithmic thinking in students who are interested in training as Systems Engineers, with a strong and rigorous training process in the area of programming and software development. In the construction of the present proposal, a rigorous line of academic exploration is followed, from the philosophical foundation of texts such as What does it mean to think? by M. Heidegger among others, to the imprint of Instructional Design methodologies, a valuable resource for the generation of descriptive guides in the construction of training and support tools, operating under the structure of clearly established phases.
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