Girolamo Savonarola and the Faith-Politics Relationship in Renaissance Florence




Savonarola, republic, Savonarola, republic, politics, law


Thinking about Savonarola and his attempt to establish a republic in Florence seems interesting when it comes to generating certain substantive comparisons as structures that were based on documents that allowed not only the establishment of a republican order, but also the creation of institutions that maintained a horizontal democratic spirit.

The treatises written by the friar will allow us to dig into those structures that took an important step from medieval forms of political compression to a modern logic. Furthermore, his preaching, his texts and his way of acting reveal a thinker who, from his idea of God and his conception of Paradise, expresses a political critique that goes beyond the boundaries of the purely ecclesiastical.

Thus, this work reviews precisely those forms that give meaning to the political from the religious point of view, based on the thought and prophecies of Friar Girolamo Savonarola.


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How to Cite

Cea, P. (2024). Girolamo Savonarola and the Faith-Politics Relationship in Renaissance Florence. Revista Presencias, Saberes Y Expresiones, 3(1).


