From inadequacy to bodily freedom in Michel de Montaigne.




bodily inadequacy, imagination, passions, sexuality, body


The purpose of this text is to reflect on Michel de Montaigne's considerations regarding the body, its freedom, and its relationship with the mind and passions. The main basis for this is Essay I, 20 titled "The Power of Imagination," as well as the considerations on sexual ineptitude made by Alain de Botton in his book The Consolations of Philosophy. The article explores the contributions made by Montaigne in the aforementioned Essay through four main points, namely: 1. Senses of imagination and its influence on the body 2. Sexual inadequacy and Montaigne's proposals and 3. The relationship between body and soul in the production of passions. Finally, some conclusions are offered on how Montaigne's essay, as a critique, brings us closer to an idea of freedom of one's own life in the bodily realm


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How to Cite

Díaz Paniagua, J. D. (2024). From inadequacy to bodily freedom in Michel de Montaigne. Revista Presencias, Saberes Y Expresiones, 3(1).


