The impact of ICT on millennials: Mexico-Brazil-Colombia




Capacidades Dinámicas, Mercadotecnia Digital, Desempeño, México


This is a mixed-methods research study (with an exploratory-qualitative and conclusive-quantitative approach) aimed at covering several important aspects in the comparative analysis of Mexican, Colombian, and Brazilian consumer behavior. For the exploratory research, the results of a study conducted in Mexico on the new profile of the Mexican consumer and the literature review of studies conducted in Brazil and Colombia on different generational behaviors were used. The collected data were compared using content analysis techniques, examining the manifest content of consumer behavior factors such as 1) cultural, 2) social, 3) personal, and 4) psychological factors.

In the conclusive research, an online survey was conducted (using Google Drive forms and social networks such as Facebook and Twitter). It was a non-probability quota sampling, with all respondents being students aged between 18 and 32 years. The sample consisted of 150 students (50 Mexicans, 50 Colombians, and 50 Brazilians).

The main finding is that there is no significant difference between the characteristics of Mexican, Brazilian, and Colombian millennial consumers. They exhibit low insensitivity in communication with their friends due to the use of new technologies such as the internet, social networks, and mobile communications. Similarly, face-to-face interactions among young people of the millennial generation have decreased, with a preference for virtual communication and pictorial language on communication platforms. Thanks to unlimited access to information (virtual), Generation Y has developed a non-linear and multitasking way of thinking, leading to anxiety and the need to individualize (they have no problems cultivating short-term relationships and changing jobs frequently).


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2021-01-21 — Updated on 2019-05-10


How to Cite

Larios Gómez, E., Giuliani, A. C., & Monteiro, T. A. (2019). The impact of ICT on millennials: Mexico-Brazil-Colombia. FACE: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas Y Empresariales, 19(1), 98–108. (Original work published January 21, 2021)




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