Factors explaining the increase in beef consumption by households in the Caribbean region of Colombia
amounts, decisions, age, schooling, income, preferencesAbstract
In order to determine the variables that explain the increases in beef consumption in the Caribbean Region of Colombia, this study was carried out using information obtained from those responsible for household purchases. A survey was applied to 337 persons responsible for purchases, selected completely at random. The form was composed of qualitative socioeconomic variables such as: Age, education, stratum, number of family members and quantitative variables such as income, prices and quantities consumed. Descriptive statistics, contingency tables and correlation analysis were applied. The McFadden-type discrete choice econometric technique was used by means of a logit model and the contingent valuation method; the parameters and the estimation of the model were made using the maximum likelihood method. The results show that 54% of the sample surveyed would be willing to increase consumption, explained by age, gender, level of education, occupation of the person making the purchase decision and the quantities currently consumed. The variable that most explains the increase in consumption is gender, followed by the amount currently consumed. It is concluded that the age of the consumer presents an inverse relationship with the possibility of increasing consumption, where the older the age the less possibility of increasing consumption, due to the fact that the highest consumption occurs at ages ranging from 30 to 40 years.
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