
  • Camila Andrea Agudelo Amaris Universidad de Pamplona
  • Anyela Alexandra Santafé Rozo Universidad de Pamplona


Organizational psychology, burnout syndrome, drivers, health


To determine the presence of Burnout syndrome in the drivers of the Cooperativa de Transportadores, a quantitative study is proposed that allows the improvement of their mental health, with a non-experimental design of a cross-sectional type with a descriptive scope in which 70 drivers participated. selected through a representative sampling of a non-probabilistic type, for convenience. To collect the information, the Occupational Burnout Scale (EDO) short form of Jesús Felipe Uribe Prado was applied, which evaluates occupational burnout in adults within their working life. through 30 reagents. As for the results, the data show the following: the drivers are in a Low (healthy) phase 1 level of Occupational Burnout of the Leiter model, showing that no significant features of Occupational Burnout are observed in the Cooperative at a global level. However, when comparing the results of Occupational Burnout with Emotional Exhaustion, individually, the analyzes show that 31.4% corresponding to 22 participants are in a High (Danger) state of suffering from said Syndrome


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