Impact of breastfeeding on orofacial growth and development: A systematic review
Breastfeeding, Facial Asymmetry, Growth & Development, Myofunctional Therapy, Breastfeeding BehaviorAbstract
Introduction: Breastfeeding facilitates coordinated movements of the tongue, jaw, and lips, which are essential for proper sucking and organized orofacial development. This study examines the effects of breastfeeding on orofacial development and growth as documented in scientific literature. Methods: A systematic review was conducted using SciELO, PubMed, and the Cochrane Library with terms such as "Breastfeeding," "Growth & Development," and "Breastfeeding Behavior," covering studies from the past 10 years. Results: The reviewed studies indicate that breastfeeding is associated with childhood dentomaxillary growth and may reduce the incidence of malocclusions and oral habits. Discussion: A positive association is highlighted between exclusive breastfeeding and healthy orofacial development, while recognizing methodological limitations and variability in results. Conclusion: Direct breastfeeding plays a significant role in optimal growth of the cranio-cervico-mandibular complex (CCCM) and oral health, underscoring its impact on public health and the promotion of beneficial practices for children's orofacial development. The need for continued research is emphasized to inform clinical practices and public health policies related to breastfeeding and orofacial development.}
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