Incidence, epidemiological behavior and outcomes of sexual violence in children under 18 years of care at the Erasmo Meoz University Hospital during january 2018 to december 2022




sexual violence, children, adolescents, family


Introduction: Sexual violence is a global problem that violates fundamental human rights and is the most traumatic form of abuse in children and adolescents, with short, medium, and long-term repercussions on physical and mental health. And social. Objective: To analyze the main characteristics of the victims, the epidemiological behavior, and the outcomes in the context of sexual violence in children under 18 years of age who were treated at the Erasmo Meoz University Hospital in the period from January 2018 to December 2022. Method: descriptive, cross-sectional, and retrospective study, non-probabilistic convenience sampling with statistical analysis of descriptive variables with SPSS v16. Results: 464 clinical records that met the inclusion criteria were analyzed, where the characterization of victims of sexual violence was in women, adolescents of Colombian nationality, with a nuclear and heteroparental family structure. Regarding epidemiological behavior, the incidence increased at the time of COVID-19 pandemic and the aggressor is known to the family. Conclusion: Sexual violence against minors is a silent pandemic, whose behavior and characteristics must be known, and, in this way, measures can be taken from health spaces, promoting the active participation of the family in comprehensive protection and empowering minors in this problem.


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How to Cite

Gómez González, N. J., Niño Chacón, M. R., & Rivera Peña, D. C. (2024). Incidence, epidemiological behavior and outcomes of sexual violence in children under 18 years of care at the Erasmo Meoz University Hospital during january 2018 to december 2022. Basic Health Sciencies Journal, 2(3), 31–46.



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