A mathematical approach to the forced-air freezing process of the cojinoa (caranx crysos)
Forced air freezing, Cojinoa, Freezing curvesAbstract
Pure water has a melting point of 0 °C. The salts, proteins and fats dissolved in the water contained in the food make its freezing point depend on the concentration of this solution, which will vary as it freezes. The present work evaluates the freezing rate in a forced air system by establishing a mathematical model for each of the sectors of the freezing process of a fresh food (cooling, freezing and sub-freezing). The samples were obtained in the fish markets of the city's public market; with an average weight of 500 g, a forced air cooling equipment was used with an operating temperature of -27 °C to - 30 °C. The samples had three (3) presentations: without packaging, with packaging and glazed, in three (3) cuts: whole gutted, fillets and fillets. Linear equations were established for each of the stages in the forced air freezing process in order to estimate the partial and total freezing times for each of the presentations and compare the freezing speeds.
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