Solid waste management in the circular economy: a bibliometric analysis




sanitary landfill, care for the environment, solid waste management plan, (PGIRS), circular economy


The waste water problem is becoming a complex phenomenon for humanity, as thousands of tons enter sanitary drains and spills every day, there is no political will to want to change the situation, which is increasingly greater in the generation of waste water waste solids that are not treated in preliminary phases, the lack of infrastructure when an increase in base is triggered by not having a culture of recycling, on the part of the citizenry among other things due to the lack of education of populations that do not recycle with separation between the source and/or a form of collection of household solid waste by companies providing services with fines in the circular economy. These problems represent a great threat to the health of present and future generations and from home to the environment. In continuation, the methodology is stated with emphasis on the scientific production of articles as a relevant method for a bibliometric analysis of themes surrounding the management of solid waste in the Scopus database with a documentary bibliographic type design at a historical level, it which consisted of evaluating material collected in magazines to review, identify and systematize information obtained over a period of 50 years using Vos viewer software and its interaction with the Scopus database. The results obtained show the tendency of the impact of published literature until it closes which guides the discussion, there is a need to generate research projects in Latin America given the scarce literature compared to countries such as Japan and the United Kingdom, which are at the forefront of these trends and in them replicable experiences are evident in territories such as Colombia, Ecuador or Peru. Within the halls it is found that the environmental area has 40% of scientific publications followed by other multidisciplinary areas such as chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology among others with a percentage around 14.4%, Engineering with 10.5%, social sciences with a percentage of 6.5%. The circular economy as a response to different problems especially the carbon footprint in the production of goods and its large contribution in reducing the environmental impact directly related to climate change.


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2024-02-12 — Updated on 2023-02-12

How to Cite

García, A. M., García Mogollón, J. M., & Angarita, J. J. (2023). Solid waste management in the circular economy: a bibliometric analysis. REVISTA AMBIENTAL AGUA, AIRE Y SUELO, 14(1), 91–111.




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