This is an outdated version published on 2022-06-01. Read the most recent version.

Environmental law as a consequence of the need for humans to protect their environment.




conservación, persona, estado, defensa


Environmental law is a relatively new discipline that has been gaining momentum worldwide. The various environmental impacts caused by human activities have led mankind to seek a strategy to defend itself against them. Thus, environmental law serves as a tool to protect against serious environmental offenses. The following document aims to reflect on the necessity of environmental law for humans to protect their surroundings. We start by defining the environment as a premise to delve into the concepts of environmental crime and environmental law. Among the main reflections we can highlight is how harming our environment makes us both victims and perpetrators of a right to which we are entitled, but which imposes many more duties upon us for its conservation and protection.


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2022-06-01 — Updated on 2022-06-01


How to Cite

Vera Solano, C. Y. (2022). Environmental law as a consequence of the need for humans to protect their environment. Revista Investigación & Praxis En CS Sociales, 1(1), 50–65.


