Factors ultraprocessed foods and its effect on the health of drivers of the pamplona norte de santander transportation terminal


  • Obed Aragón López
  • Brenda Carranza
  • Wendy Espalza
  • Sirley Vidal




processed food, ultra-processed food, frequency of consumption, risk factor, chronic non-communicable diseases


The objective of this research is to determine the relationship between the consumption of ultra-processed foods and the effects on the health of the population drivers of the transport terminal of the municipality of Pamplona Norte de Santander, through the application of the instrument frequency questionnaires. consumption with which the relationship between dietary intake and disease or risk factors of the present population is investigated. The three main components of these questionnaires are the list of foods, the frequency of consumption and the size of the consumed portion. The food list should reflect the consumption habits of the study population at the time the data is collected. The frequency of consumption can be asked openly or by offering frequency categories to identify each food that the population consumes, the application of the questionnaires requires the interpretation of the participants in order to have clear and concise concrete information about the diet and thus provide descriptive information qualitative information on food consumption patterns of drivers.
The importance of such research basically lies in the fact that it has been established that there is a close link between changes in the diet from real or minimally processed foods to ultra-processed foods and the rates of overweight and obesity and other non-communicable diseases (NCDs) related to diet.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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