ISSN Electrónico: 2500-9338
Volumen 23-N°1
Año 2023
Págs. 167 – 180
Jalber Flórez Sterling **
ORCID link:
Alba Leonilde Suárez Arias ***
ORCID link:
Castro Alfaro ****
ORCID link:
Date: December 7, 2022
Date: March 20,
This article is the result of a
research study carried out with 69 high school students from the Agroecological
Amazonian Educational Institution (IEAA) of El Paujil Caquetá, Colombian
Amazonia. The objective of the study was to stimulate the attitudes of the students
towards the sustainability of water through school management. Within the
framework of action research, a likert scale survey was applied at two points
in time: at the beginning and at the end of the implementation of a systemic
curriculum proposal designed by thirteen teachers to promote water
sustainability and thus counteract the anthropocentric actions of the
inhabitants of the Amazon region that affect water systems. When contrasting
the attitudes of the students before and after the incorporation of the
teaching of water sustainability to the class plans of the areas of the
secondary education curriculum, it was evidenced that the students improved
their behavior in aspects such as saving water, reducing the use of plastic,
placing waste in the right place, reducing polluting practices, planting trees
and taking care of water sources.
Keywords: attitudes, conceptions, curricular proposal, water sustainability.
* PhD Candidate in Education and Environmental Culture, Universidad de
la Amazonia. Assistant Professor, Universidad de la Amazonia. Rector of the
Institución Educativa Agroecológico Amazónico, El Paujil Caquetá, Colombia.
Member of the Research Group on Nonviolence, Peace and Human Development,
Universidad del Quindío. Contacto:
** PhD in Environmental Education,
University of Valencia, Spain.
Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences and Fine Arts, Universidad del
Quindío. Member of the Research Group on Nonviolence, Peace and Human
Development. . Contacto:
*** Magíster Gestión de Alta Dirección. (Universidad Federico
Villarreal, Perú). Sociólogo. (Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, Perú).
Director e Investigador del Centro de Investigaciones y Capacitaciones CICI,
Cartagena. Colombia. Grupo de Investigación “Estudios Interdisciplinares”.
Correo electrónico:
Este artículo es el resultado de una investigación
realizada con 69 estudiantes de bachillerato de la Institución Educativa
Agroecológica Amazónica (IEAA) de El Paujil Caquetá, Amazonia colombiana. El
objetivo del estudio fue estimular las actitudes de los estudiantes hacia la
sostenibilidad del agua a través de la gestión escolar. En el marco de la
investigación acción, se aplicó una encuesta con escala likert en dos momentos:
al inicio y al final de la implementación de una propuesta curricular sistémica
diseñada por trece docentes para promover la sostenibilidad del agua y así
contrarrestar las acciones antropocéntricas de los habitantes de la región
amazónica que afectan los sistemas hídricos. Al contrastar las actitudes de los
estudiantes antes y después de la incorporación de la enseñanza de la
sostenibilidad hídrica a los planes de clase de las áreas del currículo de
educación secundaria, se evidenció que los estudiantes mejoraron su
comportamiento en aspectos como el ahorro de agua, la reducción del uso de
plástico, la colocación de residuos en el lugar adecuado, la reducción de
prácticas contaminantes, la siembra de árboles y el cuidado de las fuentes de
Palabras clave: actitudes, concepciones,
propuesta curricular, sustentabilidad hídrica.
Este artigo é o resultado
de uma investigação realizada com 69 estudantes do ensino secundário da
Instituição Educativa Agroecológica Amazónica (IEAA) em El Paujil Caquetá, na
Amazónia colombiana. O objetivo do estudo era estimular as atitudes dos alunos
em relação à sustentabilidade da água através da gestão escolar. No âmbito da
investigação-ação, foi aplicado um inquérito em escala de likert em dois
momentos: no início e no fim da implementação de uma proposta curricular
sistémica concebida por treze professores para promover a sustentabilidade da
água e, assim, contrariar as acções antropocêntricas dos habitantes da região
amazónica que afectam os sistemas hídricos. Ao contrastar as atitudes dos
alunos antes e depois da incorporação do ensino da sustentabilidade hídrica nos
planos de aula das áreas do currículo do ensino médio, ficou evidente que os
alunos melhoraram seu comportamento em aspectos como economizar água, reduzir o
uso de plástico, colocar o lixo no lugar certo, reduzir práticas poluidoras,
plantar árvores e cuidar das fontes de água.
Palavras-chave: atitudes, concepções, proposta curricular,
sustentabilidade da água.
scarcity is a growing problem worldwide (Zisopoulou & Panagoulia, 2021). In
addition, water contamination and unsustainability are growing proportionally
to population increase (Brelet-Rueff, 2000; Silva et al., 2019; García et al.,
2019; Bermejo et al., 2020). Even, in the Amazon thousands of inhabitants have
difficulties in accessing clean water for consumption (Rocha dos Santos et al.,
2018; Monni et al., 2018; Crispim & Fernandes, 2022), despite the high
rainfall and huge water reserve that the region possesses (Marin & Burgel,
2020); therefore, it is imperative to preserve water systems to ensure access
to the vital liquid to guarantee life on the planet (Al-Nuaimi, &
Al-Ghamdi, 2022), since access to clean water is an essential right of every
person without preference of nationality, ethnicity and beliefs (Li & Wu,
addition, deforestation in the Amazon region is a growing process of conversion
of natural areas into land for agricultural and Livestock production (Blanco et
al., 2008; Weng et al., 2019). Thus, in 2022, the Caquetá region contributed
15.5% of deforestation in Colombia (IDEAM, 2022), thus affecting the water
balance (Gobernación del Caquetá, 2020), water retention (Ryplova &
Pokorny, 2020; Seják et al., 2022) and temperature stability (Njoh, et al.,
2022). Therefore, promoting attitudes of protection of the Amazon rainforest
from the curriculum is to guarantee humanity, among others, the following
ecosystem services: freshwater supply (Pichel et al., 2019), carbon dioxide
absorption and biodiversity protection (Chocas et al., 2013).
this context, the purpose of the research was to promote favorable attitudes
towards water sustainability through the design and implementation of a
systemic curriculum proposal with the participation of teachers and students of
the tenth and eleventh grades of the Institución Educativa Agroecológico
Amazónico (IEAA), municipality of El Paujil Caquetá, Colombian Amazon. The IEAA
has an enrollment of 1050 students in preschool, elementary and middle school
(SIMAT, 2022), 52 teachers and 3 directors.
the sequence of action research (Kemmis and McTaggart, 1992), this article
compares the attitudes of the students, identified in the diagnostic and
evaluative phases; that is, it contrasts the attitudes of the students before
and after the implementation of the curricular proposal for teaching water
sustainability (application phase).
affect people's beliefs and behavior; therefore, in order to change people's
attitudes it is necessary to modify their conceptions (Jančius et al., 2021).
In other words, attitudes are the ways in which people externalize their values
(Mendieta-Hernández & Gutiérrez-Gómez, 2014).
school management addresses curricular, administrative, social, environmental
and attitudinal aspects inherent to the educational community (Quintana, 2018).
Consequently, the present research proposed to design and implement a
curricular proposal based on teachers' conceptions about teaching water
sustainability, in order to promote attitudes of adequate use of the vital
liquid in students.
This article describes the
results of the final phase of an action research process that addressed three
objectives: in the first objective, an interview with open-ended questions was
conducted with thirteen teachers in order to investigate their conceptions
about the contents, methodology, didactic strategies and evaluation to be
implemented in the teaching of water sustainability (Florez-Sterling et al.,
2021); in addition, a likert scale type survey (entry test) was applied with
the intention of determining the students' attitudes regarding water
sustainability prior to the implementation of the curricular proposal
(Olmos-Rojas et al., 2021).
In the second objective, the
thirteen teachers from the different areas of the middle school level designed
and implemented a systemic curriculum proposal to promote water sustainability
among students in the tenth and eleventh grades. On the other hand, in the
third objective, to which this article refers, a test was designed according to
the likert scale structure (validated by four experts with doctoral training)
and was applied to 69 students in the tenth and eleventh grades (39 females and
30 males, whose ages range between 15 and 18 years), with the purpose of
comparing the attitudes of the students at the beginning (entry test performed
in objective one) and at the end (exit test) of the implementation of the
curricular proposal for water sustainability.
The likert scale items
described possible student attitudes regarding: saving water in daily
activities such as brushing and showering, reduction in the use of plastic,
disposal of waste in containers, actions to avoid water pollution, reuse of
water, amount of water consumed at home, cost of the bill, protection of water
sources. Each of the items had four response options (never, almost never,
almost always and always). The interpretation of the information used the
technique known as content analysis, and the Statistical Package for the Social
Sciences (SPSS) software was used to generate graphs from the data.
This section presents a comparison of students' attitudes
about water use at two points in time: a) an entrance test was applied to
determine students' attitudes before the curricular training process with
emphasis on water protection; b) an exit test was conducted to determine
students' attitudes towards water after the implementation (during the second
semester of the year 2022) of the systemic curricular proposal for teaching
water sustainability.
Figure 1. Students' attitudes during
tooth brushing.
Source: SPSS software elaboration
The results of the exit test applied to the 69 middle level
students of the IEAA reveal a positive change in attitudes towards turning off
the water tap while brushing their teeth, taking into account that 13% of the
students stated in the entrance test that they did it sometimes, and in the
final test this response option represents only 4% (see figure 1). Therefore,
9% of the students demonstrate another attitude towards the practice of this
activity in the second test, distributed as follows: almost always (6%) and
always (3%).
Likewise, figure 1 allows concluding from the findings of
the exit test, that the students registered in the response options
"almost always" and "always" correspond to 96% of the total
surveyed, each with 28% and 68% respectively. Thus, it is clear that students
are more aware of the importance of contributing from their homes to the
conservation of water resources. Finally, the challenge is to achieve
environmental awareness and sensitization of all students, with the purpose of
promoting the change of habits and the new water culture (Suárez, 2021).
Figure 2. Students' attitudes towards water leaks.
The findings of the exit test conducted with the 69 IEAA
students reveal a notable change in attitudes towards reporting water leaks in
order to seek an adequate solution, taking into account that 49% of the
students indicated in the entry test that they never did it or only reported it
on some occasions, and in the final test these response options are equivalent
to only 14% (see figure 2). Thus, the 35% of students who reveal another
attitude towards the practice of this activity in the second test are distributed
as follows: almost always (6%) and always (29%).
As a complement, figure 2 allows us to determine, compared
to the results of the exit test, that the students registered in the response
options "almost always" and "always" correspond to 86% of the
total surveyed, each with 36% and 50% respectively. Thus, it is clear that
students promote actions to ensure the detection and repair of leaks that
affect the performance of water resources in the educational center. Finally,
the challenge is to create environmental awareness in all students, with the
objective of ensuring efficient water management (Chavesta, 2018).
Figure 3. Students' attitudes towards the disposal of used
plastic bottles.
The results of the exit test applied to the 69 IEAA students
reveal a significant change in attitudes related to the deposit of disposable
plastic bottles in containers, taking into account that 39% of the students
stated in the entrance test that they did it sometimes, and in the final test
this response option represents only 15% (see figure 3). Therefore, the 24% of
students who demonstrated another attitude towards the practice of this
activity in the second test, state that they now always perform this action. In
addition, 2% of those who initially chose the option "almost always"
indicate that they now always perform this activity.
Likewise, figure 3 allows us to conclude from the findings
of the exit test that the students registered in the response options
"almost always" and "always" correspond to 85% of the
total, each with 36% and 49% respectively, that is, that approximately half of
the respondents show a favorable attitude and a high level of awareness in the
use and handling of plastic bottles. Thus, it is evident that students have
good environmental habits and their degree of commitment to water preservation
is high. Reducing and depositing plastic waste in the indicated place is a
friendly act with water ecosystems (Moqbel et al., 2020), therefore, it is
pertinent to motivate the educational community to create and preserve habits
that promote respect for water sources and facilitate solid waste collection
and separation practices (Contreras, 2021).
Figure 4. Students' attitudes towards waste generated during
programmed river trips.
Source: SPSS software elaboration
The results of the exit test applied to the 69 IEAA students
reveal a positive change in attitudes regarding waste collection on walks to
prevent high levels of water pollution, taking into account that in the
entrance test 6% of the students stated that they never did it, 19% on some
occasions, and in the final test these response options represent only 6% (see
figure 4). Therefore, the 19% of the students who demonstrate another attitude
towards the practice of this activity in the second test are distributed as
follows: almost always (2%) and always (17%).
Likewise, figure 4 allows concluding from the findings of
the exit test, that the students registered in the response options
"almost always" and "always" correspond to 94% of the total
surveyed, each with 29% and 65% respectively. Thus, it is clear that students
are now more responsible when they visit the various water sources, which
demonstrates their interest in caring for the environment and the natural
heritage of the territory. Finally, the challenge is to strengthen the
awareness processes to consolidate the identity, awareness, and the way of
thinking and acting of the students with respect to the environment (Marines,
2021). Contrary to the above, inadequate waste disposal generates diverse
environmental, social and economic impacts (Nolasco et al., 2021).
Figure 5. Students' attitudes towards
water saving.
SPSS software elaboration (2022)
The findings
of the exit test conducted with the 69 students reveal a notable change in the
attitudes associated with asking family and friends to contribute to saving
water, taking into account that 55% of the students indicated in the entrance
test that they never did it or only made this request at certain times, and in
the final test these response options are equivalent to 29% (see figure 5).
Thus, the 26% of students who reveal other attitudes towards this request in
the second test are distributed as follows: almost always (8%) and always
As a
complement, figure 5 allows us to determine, compared to the results of the
exit test, that the students registered in the response options "almost
always" and "always" correspond to 71% of the total surveyed,
each with 36% and 35% respectively. Thus, it is clear that students recognize
their role in society, and they take action to call on citizens to protect
natural resources. Finally, the challenge is to encourage the practice of this
kind of actions in those students who show negative attitudes, seeking that all
students become promoters of attitudes to consider water as a source of life
and promote the sustainable use of water resources (Quispe, 2019).
6. Students' attitudes towards water pollution.
The results of the exit test applied to the 69 students
reveal a significant change in the attitudes related to actions to prevent high
levels of water pollution, considering that 33% of the students stated in the
entrance test that they never did it or only executed it on some occasions, and
in the final test this response option represents only 15% (see figure 6).
Therefore, the 18% of these students who demonstrated another attitude towards
the development of this activity in the second test are distributed as follows:
almost always (3%) and always (15%).
Likewise, figure 6 allows us to conclude in relation to the
findings of the exit test, that the students registered in the response options
"almost always" and "always" correspond to 85% of the
total, each with 39% and 46% respectively, that is, that approximately half of
the respondents show a favorable attitude in relation to the execution of
actions to reduce the high levels of water contamination. Thus, it is evident
that the students have reflected on the need to strengthen the sense of
belonging, create habits and carry out various activities in their daily lives
to avoid the generation of serious environmental problems in the region, which
can affect the quality of life of the inhabitants. In conclusion, the objective
is to implement strategies within the framework of environmental education,
seeking to recognize the impact of the issue of water saving in the area and
increase the planning of actions aimed at energizing the attitudes of students
(Contreras, 2021).
Figure 7. Students' attitudes towards co-responsibility in
water saving.
The results of the exit test applied to the 69 students show
a positive change in attitudes regarding turning off the water faucets that
other people have left open, taking into account that 12% of the students
stated in the entrance test that they never did it or sometimes turned them
off, and in the final test this response option was not represented (see figure
7). Therefore, all of these students who demonstrated another attitude towards
the practice of this action in the second test, state that now they always
perform this action. In addition to this, 3% of those who initially chose the
option "almost always", now indicate that they always perform this
Likewise, figure 7 allows us to conclude from the findings
of the exit test that the students registered in the response options
"almost always" and "always" correspond to 100% of the
total number of students surveyed. Thus, it is clear that students have
increased their level of awareness at home, in the educational institution and
in other places they frequent, being more observant and assuming positions
oriented towards saving water and preserving this vital resource for the
conservation of life and the planet. Finally, the challenge is to continue in
the educational process to strengthen the new water culture and maintain this
way of thinking and acting in the school community (Marines, 2021).
Figure 8. Attitudes of students to save water in the shower.
Source: SPSS software elaboration
The findings of the exit test conducted with the 69 students
reveal a notable change in attitudes regarding turning off the water faucet
while showering, taking into account that 13% of the students indicated in the
entrance test that they only did it sometimes, and in the final test this
response option is equivalent to only 4% (see figure 8). Thus, the 9% of the
students who reveal another attitude towards the practice of this activity in
the second test are distributed as follows: almost always (7%) and always (2%).
As a complement, figure 8 allows us to determine, compared
to the results of the exit test, that the students registered in the response
options "almost always" and "always" correspond to 96% of
the total surveyed, each with 19% and 77% respectively. Thus, it is clear that
students attach a high degree of importance to saving water in their homes,
given that showering involves a considerable expenditure of this element.
Finally, the challenge is to develop this type of actions in educational
centers and other places where showers have been installed, and thus also
contribute to the reduction of water consumption (Suárez, 2021).
Source: SPSS software elaboration
The results of the exit test applied to the 69 students
reveal a significant change in the attitudes related to the feeling of guilt
when wasting this precious liquid for the population, taking into account that
36% of the students stated in the entrance test that they did it sometimes, and
in the final test this response option represents only 13% (see figure 9). Therefore,
the 23% of the students who demonstrate another attitude towards this feeling
in the second test are distributed as follows: almost always (6%) and always
Likewise, figure 9 allows us to conclude from the findings
of the exit test, that the students registered in the response options
"almost always" and "always" correspond to 87% of the
total, each with 38% and 49% respectively, that is, that approximately half of
the respondents feel guilt when they do not use the vital resource efficiently.
Thus, it is evident that students have been increasing their level of awareness
and sensitization to the need to ensure the proper use of water, as well as its
protection and preservation in the different spaces of coexistence and
interaction of human beings. In conclusion, the objective is to develop a
training process to promote active, positive and transforming attitudes within
the community (Quispe, 2019).
Figure 10. Students' attitudes towards the cost of the water
The findings of the exit test conducted with the 69 students
denote a notable change in attitudes regarding knowledge about the monthly cost
of the water bill in their homes, taking into account that 29% of the students
indicated in the entrance test that they have never analyzed this topic or only
on some occasions have learned about the aspects associated with the collection
bills, and in the final test these response options are equivalent to only 18%
(see figure 10). Thus, after applying the second test, it is identified that
11% of these students with another attitude reveal that they do it almost
always. Likewise, of the students who initially chose the option
"always", 5% now indicate that they almost always analyze the value
of the invoice.
As a complement, figure 10 allows us to determine, compared
to the results of the exit test, that the students registered in the response
options "almost always" and "always" correspond to 82% of
the total number of respondents, each with 36% and 46% respectively. Thus, it
is clear that students show interest in knowing about the monthly billing, and
from there they become aware of the importance of knowing the cost of the
service. Finally, the challenge is to contribute to the definition of measures
for saving and preserving water in households (Calero & Salas, 2022).
Figure 11. Students' attitudes towards the convenience of
saving water in the municipality.
The results of the exit test applied to the 69 students
reveal a change in the attitudes related to the need to save water in the
municipality of El Paujil, taking into account that 12% of the students
affirmed in the entrance test that they have never considered that the
efficient use of water is important in this territory or only sometimes have
thought that it is necessary to treasure this natural resource, and in the
final test this response option represents only 4% (see figure 11). Therefore,
the 8% of students who demonstrate another attitude regarding the relevance of
this action in the second test are distributed as follows: almost always (6%)
and always (2%).
Likewise, figure 11 allows us to conclude from the findings
of the exit test, that the students registered in the response options
"almost always" and "always" correspond to 96% of the
total, each with 19% and 77% respectively, that is, that most of the
respondents show a high level of awareness and a favorable attitude towards the
need to save water in the municipality of El Paujil. Thus, it is evident that
the students have a global vision of the territory, and also consider it
necessary for the educational institution to propose strategies and adopt
practices to contribute to water conservation. Therefore, it is advisable to
strengthen environmental education processes in order to raise awareness among
the entire student population and to create a strategy to conserve water
resources (Gómez, 2022).
The above results corroborate that education is an effective
component in promoting students' attitudes towards water sustainability. From
this logic, the implementation in the IEAA of the systemic curricular structure
with emphasis on the formation of values towards the protection of water
ecosystems, generated attitudinal changes in students related to saving water
in daily activities, reducing the use of plastic bottles, disposal of waste in
containers, awareness of water sustainability, valuation of the ecosystem
services of water, reuse of washing machine water for cleaning floors and
latrines, and storage of rainwater for domestic activities.
Likewise, the findings allow concluding that the
incorporation of the teaching of the sustainability of this important natural
resource to the lesson plans has had positive repercussions, due to the fact
that the processes developed in each of the areas of the secondary education
curriculum promote knowledge about the different topics associated with water,
promote awareness in the students and contribute to the strengthening of
environmental awareness, which has an impact on the generation of empathy and
the valuation of the natural heritage of the territory.
Finally, it is important to highlight that the systemic
curricular proposal developed by thirteen teachers becomes an interdisciplinary
tool to transform the students' perspective and develop responsible attitudes
towards the environment, through expectations, motivations, values and positive
and participatory life experiences.
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