ISSN Electrónico: 2500-9338
Volumen 23-N°1
Año 2023
Págs. 145 – 155
Carlos Andrés Pantoja Ruano **
ORCID link:
Diego Fernando David Guerrero ***
ORCID link:
Sandra Lucía Goyes
Eraso ****
ORCID link:
Víctor Hugo López Díaz *****
ORCID link:
Date: December 7, 2022
Date: March 20,
This paper aims to reflect the reality
of the Tuquerreña company immersed in the tourism
sector in accordance with the incipient accounting and financial processes that
are applied today to record the different economic operations. There is no
database that allows structuring an X-ray of the current situation of the
companies that are dedicated to providing tourist services in the municipality
of Túquerres in accounting and financial matters. It’s
seeks to identify the accounting processes that are being applied in small and
medium-sized companies in the tourism sector in the municipality of Túquerres (N). A survey was applied to a sample made up of
94 people from whom valuable knowledge was obtained to understand the
phenomenon under study. The absence of well-defined accounting processes that
generate certain shortcomings in the finances of the tourism company in the
municipality of Túquerres is identified. It is
necessary that improvement and improvement actions be carried out in the
accounting and financial processes of this type of organization in order to promote
the growth and sustainability of this economic sector.
Keywords: Accounting, tourism, growth, processes.
* Magíster en Gerencia y Auditoría
Tributaria, Universidad Mariana. Especialista en Derecho Tributario,
Universidad Externado de Colombia. Docente Investigador del programa de
Contaduría Pública. Docente investigador del programa de Contaduría Pública,
integrante del grupo SINERGIA
** Estudiante de doctorado en
administración gerencial, Universidad Benito Juárez. Magister en Gerencia y
Asesoría financiera, Universidad Mariana. Maestrante en gestión de la
informática educativa, Universidad de Santander. Especialista en administración
de la informática educativa, Universidad de Santander. Contador Público, Universidad
Mariana., Docente investigador del programa de Contaduría Pública, integrante
del grupo SINERGIA. Contacto:
*** Contadora Pública. Magíster en
Pedagogía. Docente Tiempo Completo. Programa de Administración de Empresas.
Grupo de Investigación San Francisco de Asís. Universidad Cesmag.
**** Economista. Magíster en Gestión
Empresarial. Docente Tiempo Completo. Programa de Administración de Negocios
Internacionales. Grupo de Investigación Élite Empresarial. Universidad Mariana.
presente artículo pretende reflejar la realidad que vive la empresa tuquerreña inmersa en el sector turismo de acuerdo con los
incipientes procesos contables y financieros que aplican hoy en día para
registrar las diferentes operaciones económicas.No
existe una base de datos que permitan estructurar una radiografía de la
situación actual de las empresas que se dedican a la prestación del servicio
turístico en el municipio de Túquerres en materia contable y financiera. Se
busca identificar
los procesos contables que se están aplicando en las pequeñas y medianas
empresas del sector turismo en el municipio de Túquerres (N). Se aplicó una encuesta a una muestra
conformada por 94 personas de la que se obtuvo conocimiento valioso para
comprender el fenómeno de estudio. Se identifica ausencia de procesos contables bien definidos que
generan ciertas falencias en las finanzas de la empresa turística del municipio
de Túquerres. Es necesario que se impriman acciones de mejoramiento y de perfeccionamiento
en los procesos contables y financieros de este tipo de organizaciones en aras
de potenciar el crecimiento y la sostenibilidad de este sector económico.
Palabras Clave: Contabilidad, turismo, crecimiento, procesos.
Este artigo pretende refletir
a realidade vivida pelas empresas do sector do
turismo em Túquerres, de acordo com
os incipientes processos contabilísticos
e financeiros que hoje são aplicados para registar as
diferentes operações económicas, uma
vez que não existe uma base
de dados que estruture uma radiografia da situação atual das empresas dedicadas à prestação
de serviços turísticos no município
de Túquerres em matéria contabilística
e financeira. O objetivo é
identificar os processos contabilísticos
que estão a ser aplicados nas
pequenas e médias empresas
do sector do turismo no município de Túquerres
(N). Foi
aplicado um inquérito a uma amostra de 94 pessoas, a partir do qual se obtiveram conhecimentos valiosos
para a compreensão do fenómeno em estudo.
Identifica-se a ausência de processos
contabilísticos bem
definidos, o que gera certas
deficiências nas finanças da empresa turística do município
de Túquerres. É necessário melhorar
e aperfeiçoar os processos contabilísticos e financeiros deste tipo de organização, de
forma a promover o crescimento e a sustentabilidade deste sector
Palavras-chave: Contabilidade, turismo, crescimento,
For Arcos (2020), tourism is part of one of the main
economic sectors worldwide, being the subject of study in various geographical
destinations. This economic activity operates as a source of opportunities for
the socioeconomic and cultural modernization of a geographical area, with
heritage being a factor of social cohesion due to the important sensitivities
it affects. Consequently, models that revolve around the sustainable development
of tourism in a destination are more frequent.
In this sense, this article collects the
lessons learned from a process in which it was intended to address a subject
that is little known but which is decisive for the growth and progress of the Tuquerreña tourism company: accounting procedures. This of
course acquires a greater degree of importance to the extent that it was
identified that the tour operators located in the municipality of Túquerres have a poorly structured accounting and financial
It is for this reason that initially a
diagnosis was carried out on the current accounting situation of this type of
companies, thus obtaining sufficient information to know the needs and the key
variables in financial accounting matters that are limiting their growth.
Bajo esos argumentos, el presente documento
se encuentra estructurado bajo los lineamientos definidos detallándose cinco
(5) componentes de vital importancia tales como: revisión teórica, metodología,
los resultados de la investigación donde se realizó un diagnóstico de la
situación actual de la empresa, discusión y conclusiones y referencias
of accounting in the business fabric
Accounting is an
activity as old as humanity itself. Before knowing how to write, man has needed
to keep accounts, keep memory and record the goods he collected and possessed;
Hence, this science over time has been perfected in order to have greater
control that in turn allows adequate decision-making.
In this sense, it is
correct to point out that, under current conditions, financial accounting plays
a more important role, not only when it comes to summarizing, analyzing and
presenting information related to the company, but also that, thanks to it, it
is possible to materialize effective and efficient decision-making that in the
future can be translated into the generation of greater and better economic
Hence, in light of the
research, it was of vital importance to emphasize those aspects of accounting
science, addressing them from the regulatory framework (local and
international) that applies to the Colombian business fabric and simultaneously
making a comparison that allows to demonstrate the main differences and
In this order of ideas,
the use and incursion of the International Financial Reporting Standards -IFRS,
should be seen as a great opportunity for the growth of the global economy,
since from the adoption of international standards it seeks to inject greater dynamism
and competitiveness, especially in the face of the phenomenon of globalization.
Based on this,
international financial reporting standards "are issued by the IASB
(International Accounting Standards Board) that are applied to the preparation
of financial statements and other financial information, but focused especially
on small and medium-sized companies (Rodríguez, 2020), that is, the financial
information must be clear and concise, thus contributing to the decision-making
of the company in this case of tour operators.
On the other hand, according to the
Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism (2018), within the parameters that
have been defined in order to belong to this group, micro-enterprises must meet
all of the following requirements:
(a) have a staff plant of no more than ten (10)
(b) possess total assets, excluding housing, worth
less than five hundred (500) Current Legal Minimum Monthly Wages (SMMLV)
(c) have annual gross income of less than 6,000 SMMLV.
For the development of this study, a diagnostic
process was carried out that had the collaboration and willingness of some tour
operators from the municipality of Túquerres, from
which valuable knowledge was obtained to understand the reality they live in
accounting and financial terms.
Hence, the field work carried out by the authors of
this project was aimed at collecting necessary and sufficient information that
would contribute to the development of strengthening strategies for business
management in the tourism sector of Túquerres. To
successfully achieve this objective and as part of the methodology adhered to
this study, it was decided to structure an instrument for the accounting
component made up of ten (10) questions, which were answered in their entirety
by the population under study, made up of this case by 94 people, who work in
the accounting area of each of the tour operators.
Frecuency Porcentage Valid Porcentage Accumulated Porcentage Valid YES 23 24,5 24,5 24,5 NO 71 75,5 75,5 100,0 Total 94 100,0 100,0
Source: This research
Starting from the previously defined methodological
framework, we proceed to present a synthesis of the results obtained in order
to provide greater clarity on the accounting and financial component in the
tour operators of the municipality of Túquerres.
Diagnosis and analysis of accounting
processes in the Tuquerreña company:
In the first place, it was possible to identify that
the majority of the individuals (75%) surveyed do not have an accounting system
implemented in their organizations, which shows that the companies under study
lack elements of accounting and financial information that can support a making sound managerial decisions and coherent to their
current reality, perhaps because the implementation costs could be high or
because they simply do not see it as important.
Board 1.
Existence of an accounting system implemented
Under this scenario, it is essential that tour
operators begin to change their paradigm and arouse their interest based on the
fact that a good accounting system, in addition to being an intangible asset,
represents a valuable source of information to know the economic and financial
situation on the part of the users of a company (Orion Plus, 2019). That is to
say, it is necessary to change the entrepreneur's mentality, making him
understand that a good computer-based accounting system represents a great
business resource and information as such, a good that must be taken advantage
of to mark a competitive position of the organization (Miranda and Leal,
2016).Precisely for the same reason of not having an accounting system, it can
be observed that 71% of these businesses keep records of their business
operations through a manual and traditional system that can cause, in some
cases, difficulties when you want to access useful, comprehensive and real-time
financial information; Of the remaining group, 15% manage their accounting
through technological tools with manual input of information and only 14%
manage it through office tools.
1 Procedures used to carry out such a process Source:
This research It can be said then that, with regard to the
accounting component, the companies under study handle traditional and
unreliable procedures since they may be subject to various risks that
include the loss of information, unreasonable accounting figures, for to
mention a few, leaving for the most part, relegated some technological
tools that could play a decisive role when managing information in a more
efficient and effective way. Due to the aforementioned and in accordance with
the answers obtained, it can be inferred that the type of information of an
accounting nature reported to the Management or Administration of the
company consists mostly of a relation of income and expenses (74%), while
in a smaller proportion some present financial statements (14%) and others
deliver the same financial statements (12%), but attaching financial
indicators that will serve as the basis for carrying out the analyzes on
site (See figure 2). From this point of view, the trend that is beginning
to take shape in this type of organization is to manually carry out
accounting processes from which basic information results, which, in
general, is summarized in a list of money inflows and outflows, that
although it allows the administration to have a general knowledge of the
business operation, perhaps this is not enough to meet all the information
needs and requirements that arise. However, the study shows that 46% of people
generate reports or financial statements annually, which means that they
have adhered to the norm in terms of the frequency of information; However,
there is a proportion of 37% that prepares and submits this type of report
on a monthly basis, this being a positive factor for the present
investigation, since it shows that there are organizations that are
concerned with knowing their financial and economic situation periodically.
(See figure 3). Figure 5. Considerations about the level that accounting is
necessary within the company for decision making Source: This research As a complement, the previous graph has the purpose of showing that
the most common perception regarding accounting in the population under
study is that it turns out to be "necessary" and "very
necessary" to make objective and accurate decision-making. , this
being an aspect to highlight since at this point of the analysis, it is not
unreasonable to think that perhaps the fact that these companies do not
have an accounting system or a public accountant is associated with the
cost factor, rather than with the cost factor. level of importance attached
to accounting as such. Added to this, the field work allowed us to see that 68% of tour
operators do not allocate any budget for accounting management, while 22%
say that, although they allocate resources for this management, there is no
clear the amount of these. The foregoing shows that the companies under
study, for the most part, do not invest in the accounting component or
strengthen their management since, as has been mentioned throughout this
analysis, accounting is reduced to income and expense ratios. that are
elaborated manually, in most cases, by their own owners and/or
administrators. Table 2. Resources (time, people, money) allocated
to manage business accounting Frecuency Porcentage Valid Porcentage Accumulated
Porcentage Valid No budget is
allocated 62 66,0 68,1 68,1 Between 2% and 3%
of billing 20 21,3 22,0 90,1 Between 1% and 2%
of billing 2 2,1 2,2 92,3 It is intended, but it is not clear 6 6,4 6,6 98,9 More than 3% of the turnover 1 1,1 1,1 100,0 Total 91 96,8 100,0 Lost Do not answer 3 3,2 Total 94 100,0 Source: This research In contrast to the results obtained so far, it is observed that a
significant percentage of tour operators do not use a policy to set the
sale price of their products and/or services, which can generate possible
inconveniences when creating value. for your business.Nor do they apply
control over the accounting documentary archive, an aspect that continues
to ratify the weak accounting component that prevails in most organizations
dedicated to tourism in the municipality of Túquerres. For this reason, the
development of this study becomes more alive, since a latent need to create
an effective strengthening within components such as accounting stands out. Finally, within the instrument applied, an attempt was also made to
delve into the finances managed by the tour operators under study, this
taking into account the growing interest in financial analysis is evident,
however, the results of this research show that most people they never or
sometimes apply it to the accounting information generated in their organizations. Table 3. Application of
some type of analysis to accounting reports or financial statements Frecuency Porcentage Valid Porcentage Accumulated Porcentage Valid YES 16 17,0 17,6 17,6 NO 75 79,8 82,4 100,0 Total 91 96,8 100,0 Lost Not answer 3 3,2 Total 94 100,0 Source: This research In this sense, the importance of expediting a
comprehensive financial analysis allows organizations to access multiple
advantages related to the acquisition of valuable and real knowledge about their
behavior during one or several periods. Gelpud and Yampuezan (2016), in
this regard, state that this is a kind of x-ray with which it is possible
to visualize the current state of the financial health of a company,
highlighting the most relevant items and the priority points where an
adequate administrative and financial management. It could then be said that, in view of the scenario
described above, there is a need to sensitize those companies that still do
not see analyst work as a direction and management tool that can even help
them save the life of their businesses; this given that a passive attitude
prevails towards the subject or perhaps a possible ignorance of all the
benefits that derive from carrying out a financial analysis. Figure 3. Frequency of reporting financial
statements. Source:
This research In this regard, Ramírez and Suárez (2016), affirm that at least once
a year, as of December 31, microenterprises must prepare a statement of
financial position, a statement of results and the notes to the financial
statements, compared to those of the immediately preceding year. The
financial statements can be prepared for periods of less than one year if
the administration or the owners deem it convenient. Additionally, the existence of a public accountant in the Tuquerreña
tourist company is not a factor that, according to the results, plays a
determining role in the study sample, since the majority of people (71%)
state that within its business dynamics have not seen it necessary for its
sustainability and organizational growth. Figure 4 Existence of a public accountant Source: This research Faced with this situation, it is opportune that the tourist
organization of the municipality of Túquerres is interested in
strengthening the accounting and financial component by hiring a
professional with extensive knowledge and excellent experience in the
field, so that he can contribute to the systematization, registration,
presentation and analysis of the information resulting from the economic
operations of the business. This considering that, at present, Companies
have the need for accurate information, their financial operations are
complex, there are also changes in tax regulations, among other things, for
all this the Accountant has become a vital element in the structure of the
Organizations and the importance of having a good Accountant and therefore
accounting in the correct way, where the results of the work and the
strategies implemented can be measured, as well as allowing compliance with
the tax regulations that are required of all businesses (Franco and Franco,
Thanks to the analytical work, it was possible to identify those
accounting and financial factors of the tourism sector in the municipality of Túquerres that will serve as support when leading projects
to strengthen business and financial management and with which an attempt will
be made to empower and motivate the entrepreneurs in the city to incorporate
into their work the necessary skills, which are focused on the specialization
of service quality, making the right decisions and proper management of their
Consequently, based on this investigative work, it was sought to
strengthen the skills of the businessmen of the tourism chain and the
generation of commercial spaces for the sector, through cross-cutting programs
that include a process aimed at raising awareness, socializing and training the
actors of the tourism sector. in the municipality of Túquerres,
since it cannot be forgotten that tourism becomes a powerful tool to contribute
to the growth of the country, since due to its interdisciplinary nature, it is
directly committed to five of the eleven axes of competitiveness established by
the national government (National Planning Department, 2014). For all these
reasons, the study of this subject was quite interesting, novel and useful since
it contributes to the understanding of accounting and financial management that
is energized within the Tourism sector.
In that order, it is concluded that tourism is a sector of the economy
that supports people and companies that are dedicated to developing this set of
business activities that directly or indirectly point to a generation of goods
and services framed in the recreation, rest and free recreation. In addition to
this, it cannot be ignored that the tourism sector in Colombia, although it
grew twice the world average, faces great challenges for 2016 marked by the
dollar and Zika.
In summary, from the accounting and financial field, the tourist
companies in the municipality under study have the following reality:
• Most of the companies that participated in
the research do not have an accounting system implemented in their
• The costs of implementing an accounting
system could be high or because they simply do not see it as important.
• Registration of your business operations
through a manual and traditional system that can cause, in some cases,
difficulties when you want to access useful, comprehensive and real-time
financial information. The common denominator in this type of company is the
conventional performance of procedures, with the risks and consequences that
this entails (loss of information, errors that can be transferred to regulatory
entities, etc.).
• Most of the companies never or sometimes
apply it to the accounting information generated in their organizations.
• More than 50% of the organizations do not
allocate any budget for accounting management, therefore, it is inferred that,
for the most part, they do not invest in the accounting component or strengthen
their management since, as has been mentioned throughout, From
this analysis, accounting is reduced to income and expense relationships that
are prepared manually, in most cases, by their owners and/or administrators.
• A significant percentage of the participants
do not use a policy to set the sale price of their products and/or services,
which can generate possible drawbacks when it comes to generating value for
their businesses.
• They do not apply a control over the
accounting documentary file, another aspect that continues to ratify the weak
accounting component that prevails in most of the organizations dedicated to
tourism in the municipality of Túquerres.
• From the manual processes that they
develop, basic information is obtained, which, in general, is summarized in a
list of money inputs and outputs, which somehow allows the administration to
have a general knowledge of the business operation.
• Most companies apply some type of
analysis to accounting reports or financial statements at least once a year.
• The most common perception regarding
accounting is that it turns out to be "necessary" and "very
necessary" to make objective and correct decisions.
• Promote a change in organizational
culture within them, since a good computer-based accounting system represents a
great business resource and information as such, a good that must be taken
advantage of to establish a competitive position for the organization.
• Make organizations understand that when
a company undertakes the task of having state-of-the-art technology that is
capable of adapting to changes in the environment, it immediately becomes a
competitive organization with the ability to continue having a presence in the
market with the passing of time
• Take into account
that accounting is a vitally important tool within any business, therefore, it
is appropriate to maintain effective communication when keeping Management
informed about the accounting part, with monthly reports that include all
respective movements and operations, to which a financial analysis process is
applied in order to identify which are the most relevant items and which are
the priority points where adequate administrative and financial management
should be energized.
• Sensitize those companies that still do
not see in the work of analysts a direction and management tool that can even
help them to save the life of their businesses; this given that a passive
attitude prevails towards the subject or perhaps a possible ignorance of all
the benefits that derive from carrying out a financial analysis.
the research allows us to understand that Nariño, in addition to being an
agricultural department, has a great tourist offer, which, on many occasions,
is not appreciated from an economic perspective as a financial possibility for
growth and development.
its part, in Túquerres different tourist attractions
and a gastronomic diversity are recognized that can generate an important
source of income, contribute to economic growth and determine social
development in the community. However, the different tour operators that exist
in this region are mainly characterized by managing their key processes through
the experience that their owners have obtained over time or that their
relatives have transmitted to them; hence Orgaz and
Moral (2016), state that:
... a latent weakness among the tour
operators of the municipality of Túquerres regarding
the way of planning, designing and executing the plans, programs and proposed
projects and this may be due to the lack of knowledge of the technique of those
who assume management positions (p. 10 ).
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