ISSN Electrónico: 2500-9338

Volumen 23-N°1

Año 2023

Págs. 67 – 84



 Lilia Socorro Calderón Barrera


Maria Fernanda Sánchez Fajardo


Mónica Blázquez Ávila


Fecha de Recepción: 15 de Enero de 2022

Fecha de Aprobación: 14 de Abril 2023


This research was conducted with graduates of the business administration program of the Universidad Surcolombiana at the Garzón headquarters to determine the correspondence between occupation and entrepreneurship in the last 5 years. The study had a quantitative approach, a descriptive correlational scope, a non-experimental, transversal descriptive design; the data analysis was done by means of the statistical program Statgraphics Centurion XVI. The results show that, of the graduates, 11 are unemployed, 37 are employed, 11 are self-employed and only 7 are entrepreneurs; concluding with the need to promote an entrepreneurial culture and a renewed model of entrepreneurship.

Keywords: Occupation, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial culture, entrepreneurship model.


[1] Magister en Dirección y Administración de empresas, Docente del Programa de Administración de Empresas de la Facultad de Economía y Administración, Tutora del Semillero de Investigación de Negocios SIAN. Universidad Surcolombiana Neiva, Colombia Correo electrónico


[1] Estudiante del Programa de Administración de Empresas de la Facultad de Economía y Administración, Integrante del semillero de investigación de Administración y Negocios SIAN. Universidad Surcolombiana Neiva, Colombia.


[1] Estudiante del Programa de Administración de Empresas la Facultad de Economía y Administración, Integrante del semillero de investigación de Administración y Negocios SIAN. Universidad Surcolombiana Neiva, Colombia.






Esta investigación se realizó con los graduados del programa de administración de empresas de la Universidad Surcolombiana en la Sede Garzón para determinar la correspondencia entre la ocupación y el emprendimiento en los últimos 5 años. El estudio tuvo un enfoque cuantitativo, un alcance descriptivo correlacional, un diseño no experimental, trasversal descriptivo; el análisis de datos se hizo por medio del programa estadístico Statgraphics Centurion XVI. Los resultados muestran que, de los graduados, 11 se encuentran desempleados, 37 empleados, 11 son independientes y solo 7 son empresarios; concluyendo con la necesidad de potenciar una cultura emprendedora y modelo de emprendimiento renovado.

Palabras Claves: Ocupación, emprendimiento, cultura emprendedora, modelo de emprendimiento.



Esta pesquisa foi realizada com graduados em Administração de Empresas da Universidad Surcolombiana Garzón para determinar a correspondência entre ocupação e empreendedorismo nos últimos 5 anos. O estudo teve uma abordagem quantitativa, um âmbito descritivo correlacional, um desenho descritivo não-experimental e transversal; a análise dos dados foi efectuada com o programa estatístico Statgraphics Centurion XVI. Os resultados mostram que, dos licenciados, 11 estão desempregados, 37 estão empregados, 11 são trabalhadores por conta própria e apenas 7 são empreendedores; concluindo com a necessidade de promover uma cultura empreendedora e um modelo renovado de empreendedorismo.Resumo


Palavras-chave: Ocupação, empreendedorismo, cultura empreendedora, modelo empresarial.






To determine the correspondence between the occupation of “Graduates in the Business Administration Program” (GBAP) at the “Universidad Surcolombiana” (USCO) in the Garzón branch (GB) and entrepreneurship between 2015 - 2019, it is necessary to analyze the accelerated and profound changes that lead today's society to new environments, and to the university centers to novel approaches in relation to the needs of the business or productive system based on research. To establish the real situation of the institutions' graduates with respect to job search procedures and access to a formal occupation. (Ruiz & Morelo, 2010) Nowadays it is discussed about the demands to Higher Education Institutions (HEI) to integrate in their curricular designs the competences for the labor force that allows a great similarity between the labor and/or professional profile and the requirements of the labor force, especially for the directors and administrators of the companies. (Alvarez & Romero, 2015) and (Escandell, et al, 2022).

The HEI not only adjust their curricular designs, study the current condition of graduates after leaving the university, (Ruiz & Morelo, 2010, p. 109) but also the "difficulties that these have had in obtaining an appropriate occupation."  (McLauchian, et al, 1993, p. 14) Since the 1990s and in more recent studies, "the difficulties and time to obtain employment" are exposed. (Luchilo, 2009, p. 186) 40% of graduates do not work in positions related to their profession and 17% of this universe is inactive. (Garrido & Vega, 2018) so they must occupy themselves with work for which they would be initially overqualified and have inconveniences to find something to occupy themselves with.

One of the reasons to which this problem is attributed has to do with the lack of an entrepreneurial culture in HEI that leads to new graduates wanting to be employed, so employment becomes scarcer, and the country's economy is deteriorated; government makes a significant effort for society create new companies and generate new sources of employment that allows decrease the unemployment rate in the countries. (Hernádez & Arano, 2015) However, a good business education based on entrepreneurship is a social responsibility where students in universities play a very important role because they are the ones who must design strategies to achieve progress and success of the companies. (Chirinos & Pérez, 2016).

Situations such as these are not alien to the Graduates of the Business Administration Program (GBAP) of the Universidad Surcolombiana (USCO) at the Garzón branch (GB), since most of them aspire to get a degree with the purpose of getting an employment, very few opt for entrepreneurship and business creation despite the efforts made by the program to train competitive students with skills to devise companies in the region, in fact, the curriculum offers within the administration component credits that allow training the student for entrepreneurship and the creation of economic entities, along with the mission of the same program that seeks to enhance the creation of companies. (USCO, 2019)

The "Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation" (CEIN) of USCO promotes and manages the culture of entrepreneurship (CEIN, 2022) addressing the creation of companies in the region as a possibility to reduce the occupation indicators, to increase the productive performance of the regions and to improve the living conditions of people (Cardona, et al., 2017), but  there is still a long way to go to generate an entrepreneurial culture within the alma mater, especially in the GB.

The USCO GBAP in GB are trained within a teaching and mentality to seek solutions to the problems of the environment, efficient management of human, financial and material resources to achieve viability and expansion of the same, offer effectiveness and efficiency of human talent, enhance their management as well as the management of work teams, materials, and interpersonal relationships, thus ensuring the objectives of the company (Perspectives, 2007) of others and working for others but not to undertake and manage their own company or business.

Despite the opportunities for entrepreneurship, the GBAP generally make the decision to self-employ themselves due to the limited labor supply in the municipality of Garzón and the Department of Huila; the competition of the number of graduates who obtain the same degree, the displacement to other national and international cities in search of job opportunities, not taking advantage of the competitive opportunities of the region to generate business. For these reasons, it is important to determine what the correspondence is between the occupation of USCO GBAP in the GB and entrepreneurship between 2015 – 2019.




In order to determine the occupation of USCO GBAP in the GB and entrepreneurship between 2015 -2019, it is necessary to identify the number of graduates of the business administration program (BAP) in this time interval, their current occupation and the reasons why they decide or not to undertake entrepreneurship. To find out the occupation in Colombia, it must be clear that the economically active population or employed population is composed of people who are of legal age to work, who work or are looking for a job or occupation (DANE, 2021). They are all individuals of either sex who provide their work or labor to generate economic goods and services during an indicated period of time (United Nations, 2010). These people who work or labor present an employment situation that can be classified into four (4) types as follows; employed, unemployed, independent or entrepreneurs. (Plazas, 2019).

Employed persons are those who have reached the age required by the legislation of each country to work and who, during an interval of time, a day, a week, a month;  applied for occupations such as, employed or salaried or self-employed.(Neffa, Panigo et al., 2014) This work situation may be related to the career or profession for which the person was trained and is interpreted according to the sociocultural, economic, social, political context, where intervene  a collective of competencies, personal qualities, knowledge, skills, traditions, customs, practices, individual values, moral criteria  which account for the formation and training that a person has to perform the professional activity in different areas. (Fernandez, 2001) and (Sergeeva, et al, 2018).

All employed persons can perform in different types of occupations, as is evidenced in the "International Standard Classification of Occupations" (ISCO) adapted for Colombia (DANE, 2015), by the labor and occupational observatory of the "Servicio Nacional Aprendizaje" (SENA), which elaborates and updates the "National Classification of Occupations" in 9616 (CNO) (SENA, 2021), and which was adopted for Colombia through the "resolution No. 1186 of 1970", of the "Ministry of Labor" (MT) and with the organic law 119 of 1994, such as the decrees 1120 of 1996, and 249 of 2004 where SENA is granted the office of updating the CNO counting on the opinions of the users (SENA, 2021).

Continuing in this way, according to labor legislation, people whose employment status is that of employees are those who obtain a salary from an employer in exchange for a service rendered or an activity performed, the specifications of the employment relationship, employee - employer are set out in an employment contract (Westreicher, 2020).

The unemployed population are people who are not employed, that is, they do not have a paid job or self-employment; and are available to work at any time. (Garcia, et al, 2012) An unemployed person is unemployed, or does not have a salaried job or is not self-employed and is available to work independently or as a salaried employee (Neffa, et al, 2014).

According to the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE, 2009) and the International Labor Organization (ILO, 2001), self-employed persons are classified as a group of units that participate in the generation of goods and services with the purpose of generating employment and income, according to the benefits obtained, but are not registered in accordance with the requirements of each country to develop the activity.

Meanwhile people who decide to undertake or belong to the business sector or entrepreneurs are those people, who perceive the opportunity and create an organization to take advantage of it and exploit it with the realization of different functions, activities and actions (Bucardo, et al, 2015). Thus, the entrepreneur is the one who undertakes the difficult and courageous task of creating, taking risks, starting or setting in motion a company or economic organization with the purpose of receiving benefits with the management and coordination of human, financial, technological, productive and marketing resources (Garcia & Taboada, 2012).

HEI have a great responsibility with the training of the economically active population or labor force described above because the challenge is not only to provide training for work but also to train business managers to be entrepreneurs and businessmen, so each institution strives to create its educational model of entrepreneurship with different components such as networks, the articulation among university, business, state,(Pineda, et al., 2011),civil society (Vela, et al., 2018), innovation or culture of entrepreneurship (Hernádez & Arano, 2015) access to new information and communication technologies (Bernal & Rodríguez , 2019) the environment and the identification of its problems, (García et al., 2018) among others, looking for the student and graduate to adopt entrepreneurship as an "attitude towards life". (Camacho, 2007)

In general, every  HEI contribute to the start-up of companies, as a transcendental process for the progress of countries, since it increases the generation of employment and gross domestic product (Tello, 2014), boosting production and enhancing the quality of life of the inhabitants of the territory (Cardona, et al...), 2017) as a force for economic and social growth in a region that mitigates unemployment, (Mejía, Arias, & Echeverri, 2017) so that companies regardless of their size are protagonists of productive advances in the Latin American continent (Tello, 2014, p. 203).

In this sense the formation of entrepreneurs is necessary because they contribute to the economic growth of countries (Mayer, et al, 2020) so it is transcendental that the state has the ability to propagate a culture of entrepreneurship and support it legally. (De Guzman Ardila, 2014) In Colombia entrepreneurship is supported by the Political Constitution, and different rules, laws, decrees, judgments, which regulate it (Niebles,et al., 2020) thus promoting business creation and education for entrepreneurship by HEIs, who have the task of stimulating young people, as Matsheke and Dhurup as cited in (Mejía, et al, 2017) refers that entrepreneurship education has received great attention for its transcendental role in the formation and motivation towards the entrepreneurial culture of the new generations of entrepreneurs; Therefore, the traditional pedagogical model should be transformed by one that strengthens competencies and skills, so that students create their own business, and contribute to the development of the region. (Mejía, et al, 2017)

Thus, "universities should focus on stimulating research, since it enriches the teaching of new knowledge" (Corredor, 2003, p. 199). In addition, it is of its necessity to impart gratitude towards diligent and conscientious work as the means to incorporate into the business environment (Corredor, 2003, p. 199) through business practice, so that students and graduates can acquire initial experience, (González, et al., 2019) and has as a benefit, the motivation of business ideas, knowledge, entrepreneurial skills which increase the confidence to create company and resort to specialized business training with participation in offers and calls for future entrepreneurs (Mejía, et al, 2017) that will allow them to strengthen their entrepreneurship during the first 5 years of entrepreneurial life (Forero & Castillo, 2016) and avoid the failure of companies and businesses in the initial process.






Table 1: Entities that support entrepreneurship in Colombia.

Names of Entities that Support Entrepreneurship in Colombia 

Emprender Fund (Fondo Emprender, 2022)

Bancoldex (Bancoldex, 2)

Chambers of Commerce of Colombia (Confecámaras, 2022)

Cultura E (Mayor's Office of Medellín)

CONNECT Bogotá Region (Connect, 2022)

ANDI del Futuro (ANDI of the Future, 2022)

HubBog (HubBog, 2022)

Endeavor (Endeavor, 2022)

INNpulsa (Innpulsa, 2022)

Opinno (Opinno, 2022)

Multilateral Bank (Mineducación, 2022)

International Monetary Fund (International Monetary Fund, 2022)

World Bank (World Bank, 2022)

Inter-American Development Bank (IDB, 2022)

Development Bank of Latin America (CAF, 2022)

Source: Own elaboration.




















Consequently, HEI should articulate with companies and state entities, (Pineda, et al, 2011) and society (Vela,et al., 2018) to create regional networks of entrepreneurship, training and specialized consultancies to submit the business plans (Weinberger, 2009) generated by students to expert evaluation, so that young people can learn about the entities that support entrepreneurship as well as the procedures and requirements that these require to participate in different calls, get the seed capital and take part in the training and orientation sessions to access local, regional, national and international calls and start their business in Colombia. Table 1.



















Therefore, the analysis of the environment or context and its competitive forces (Baena, 2003) is a transcendental factor that requires a detailed study to identify its potentialities and weaknesses and generate business ideas. On the particular within the economic activities of the municipality of "Garzón" in the "Department of Huila", the strengths that have greater participation in the economy stand out as are the tertiary activities with a percentage of 64.69%, the primary sector activities with 22, 79% and the secondary sector activities with 12.52%. (SIR, 2020) The economy of the municipality is based on the agricultural sector that originates 8,048 jobs and the livestock sector that generates 175 jobs. The star product of the agricultural sector is coffee, which contributes 42.81% to the municipality's economy, since 69.8% of the total population is related to this activity. (Alcaldía de Garzón, 2020, p. 221).


Figure 1: Entrepreneurship Model for Higher Education Institutions

Source: own elaboration based on (Rincón , Casadiego, & Peñaranda, 2016), (Vega & Mera, 2016), (Camacho , 2007), (Vela, et al, 2018) (González, et al,. 2019).

















In light of the above and taking into account the global entrepreneurship index, (GEDI, 2018) which places the United States in first place, with arguments such as leadership in innovation, superiority in the use of science and technology, high status and greater rewards for entrepreneurs, network of relationships, business policies and financial incentives, among others (Excutive Excellence, 2011), in addition to entrepreneurship models created by some of Colombia's HEIs such as that of (Rincón , Casadiego, & Peñaranda, 2016), (Vega & Mera, 2016), (Camacho , 2007), (Vela,et al. , 2018) and (González, et al., 2019) propose a model of entrepreneurial education or training for entrepreneurship that includes the different components mentioned above to foster an entrepreneurial culture in HEIs and achieve that students and later graduates manage to materialize their business idea with the conjuncture of Society, the State, the University, and the Company; regional entrepreneurship networks, training and specialized consultancies to strengthen the start-up company at least during its first 5 years. Figure 1
















The methodology used to conduct this research has a quantitative approach, with a descriptive - correlational scope and a non-experimental design since it was detailed with precision the important occupations that were found in USCO graduates in the GB in the last five years compared to the creation of companies. (Hernández, et al, 2014).

The primary sources used to elaborate this study was the database of graduates between 2015 and 2019, the secondary sources were books, journals, magazines, internet and the tertiary sources were articles from indexed journals and published references that provided relevant information for the advancement of the research activity.

The target population is the "Graduates in Business Administration" of the USCO, which was taken from the statistical information found in the university portal for the GB of the municipality of Garzón between 2015 - 2019, for a total of 80 graduates with a sample of 67 that was calculated with the following simple random sampling formula, where z= 95%, p = 0.5 q= 0.5, e = 5% and N =80.

n= (z^2 (p×q))/(e^(2 )+((z^2 (p×q)/N))

The instrument used to collect the information was a questionnaire divided into 7 sections to establish the characterization and occupation of the graduates, with closed questions. To understand the information collected with the instrument and the relationship of each study variable, a statistical analysis was performed in the Statgraphics Centurion XVI program using correspondence analysis. This analysis is a quantitative method that allows data to be analyzed on the basis of a contingency table with a significance value < 0.05. With this analysis it is possible to study the relationships between the categorical variables and the output graph (Molina & Rodrigo, 2010).




To present the results and discussion of the study, firstly, the identification of the GBAP between 2015 - 2019 was taken into account, secondly, their current occupation and thirdly, the relationship between occupation and entrepreneurship, fourthly, the reasons why the GAE decide or not to undertake.

The USCO GBAP in the GB that graduated between 2015 and 2019 are 67 in total, of female gender are 42 and of female gender are 25. They are classified into 3 groups, in the first are the graduates between 2015 and 2016 are between 35 and 45 years old and their educational level is master's degree, in the second are the graduates in 2017 who are between 45 and 55 years old and their educational level is specialization and in a third group are the graduates between 2018 and 2019 who are professionals, with a significance less than 0.05. All GAE are part of the labor force (DANE, 2021) that contributes with their work to the production of economic goods and services (United Nations, 2010). Figure 2.















 Source: Own elaboration

The main occupation of the USCO GBAP in the GB is employees, and the minority is entrepreneurs, all those who are unemployed wish to be employed proving the need to strengthen the entrepreneurial culture. (Hernádez & Arano, 2015) Figure 3.

Figure 3: Occupancy of the USCO GBAP in the GB


Figure 2: Relationship between years of graduation, educational level and age.





















































Source: Own elaboration

Figure 6: Graduates, entrepreneurs, companies and sector

Source: Own elaboration

Within the correspondence between independent graduates, the activity they perform, the formalization of their trade and the range of income, it was found that 7 of them wish to formalize their trade while 5 do not wish to do so, that the highest range of income is found in the activities of farm manager and construction, showing that great opportunities can be found in the primary sector of the economy (Alcadía de Garzón, 2020). Figure 7.

Figure 7: Self-employed, Formalization of their Trade and Income

Source: Own elaboration


There is a direct correspondence between the creation of businesses by the self-employed and entrepreneurs, who make up group 2, as well as between the employed and unemployed who did not create a business, who belong to group 1, with a confidence level of 95%, as shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8: Relationship between occupation and entrepreneurship


Source: Own elaboration

Among the reasons why employed and unemployed graduates have not created a company is the lack of start-up capital, because they have not tried and because they do not have a defined business idea, confirming the need to inform young people about the entities that support entrepreneurship and their procedures to access seed capital, so the University must strengthen its relationship with companies and the State (Pineda, et al., 2011). Figure 9.

Figure 9: Unemployed and employed graduates' reasons for not starting a company.

Source: Own elaboration

Among the reasons why graduates, entrepreneurs and freelancers decided to create a company, it is worth mentioning the financial freedom and the fact that they found an art or trade they are passionate about, reasons enough to promote an entrepreneurship model that fosters an entrepreneurial culture (Rincón, Casadiego, & Peñaranda, 2016), (Vega & Mera, 2016), (Camacho, 2007) and (González, et al., 2019).  Figure 10.

Figure 10: Motives of self-employed graduates and entrepreneurs to start a company.

Source: Own elaboration


All graduates who are within the classification of the unemployed want to be employed, so there is a relationship between the desire to get a job and the time they have spent searching by different means, showing that there are still barriers to employment (McLauchian, et al, 1993) and, (Luchilo, 2009).

Figure 4: Unemployed, desire to be employed and job search  

Source: Own elaboration

Graduates who are employed work in occupations related to their professional degree, the most related are finance and administration, sales and services, followed by management and management occupations (SENA, 2021). Figure 5.

Figure 5: Employee - Occupation Ratio

Source: Own elaboration

All graduates whose occupation is entrepreneurs have created companies that belong to the secondary and tertiary sector, by their own effort, since the origin of capital is private and 2 of them have been in the market for more than 5 years, reiterating the economic strengths that the municipality of Garzón has in the tertiary and service sector and the need to undertake in the primary sector (SIR , 2020) here the greatest strengths are found. (Alcadía de Garzón, 2020, p. 221) Figure 6.



















































































































































































Administration has different fields of action, but, in order to promote a culture of entrepreneurship in the students and USCO GBAP in the GB, the mentality of graduating to get a job must be changed to an entrepreneurial mentality where the student is projected to create a company.

In order to strengthen the entrepreneurship component of the curriculum of the business administration program at the USCO in the GB, it is essential to generate an entrepreneurship model that contains all the necessary components to train in entrepreneurship.




















It is essential to strengthen the relationship between the University, Business, State, Society and regional networks of entrepreneurship through the CEIN of USCO in its  every educational  branches so that young people know from excellent sources the requirements and the procedure to access the seed capital with the support of experts who offer specialized training and advice, as well as support during the first 5 years of life of the new company to strengthen the venture and manage new capital and resources to promote the growth of successful businesses.

Strengthening research and social projection at the USCO in the GB, is also essential to devise more and better business ideas that offer solutions to the needs and opportunities of the context, since many of the graduates do not have a defined business idea and have never tried to create a business or company.


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